The Journey Church
The Stable: Learn, Listen, Live it Out
Discussion & Reflection from our current series
Locations & Times
  • The Journey Church: Pontaluna Exit Site
    6502 Schamber Dr, Norton Shores, MI 49444, USA
    Sunday 9:30 AM, Sunday 11:00 AM
RECAP: As we are in the Christmas season, Christmas is more than just a plastic nativity scene in your front yard with a baby in stable. It's supposed to be about things like peace and hope but often life feels unstable. And in this series we are talking about how Jesus came to be the stable, one, for us and for us to find stability in this crazy life. We want a life that’s stable, not chaotic, anxious, or driven by fear or worry.
How do we do that? How can we have the stability that Jesus brings? It’s ultimately about putting trust in Jesus and giving up our own control of everything we think we can control, and placing trust in Jesus himself. This stable life is built on a person…the person of Jesus. To make him the foundation for a stable life, we need to be (1)Learning about Jesus and His words in the bible, (2) Listening to Him and paying attention to what He might be saying to us, and (3) Live Out or obey what we are learning and listening to from God.
1. Does the Christmas Season make you feel mostly busy & stressed, or peaceful and hopeful? Or both...and why?
2. What seems to be the most unstable thing you have faced in your life, or are facing now?
3. We've been talking about making Jesus the stable foundation for our life. In order to do that, we need to learn about Him. What do you feel like you have learned so far about Jesus? What do you feel like you'd like to learn more about Him?
4. What do you think it means to listen to Jesus vs. listening to all the other voices around us in this world?
5. Read Proverbs 1:5. What does this verse mean to you? How can learning from God and listening to Him be a wise thing to do?
6. Read Proverbs 3:1-13. What is some wisdom that stands out to you? What might God want you to hear and pay attention to from these verses?
7. Read Luke 1:34. Mary was willing to do what God was asking of her. How are these words sometimes hard for you so say to God? What step do you need to take to live out what God is asking of you?


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