Springtown Seventh-day Adventist Church
The Catalyst (2)
Sermon for May 7, 2016
Locations & Times
  • Springtown Seventh-day Adventist Church
    Fairmount Rd, Gentry, AR 72734, USA
    Saturday 10:00 AM
"Might be Saved" ... What does it mean to "be saved"?
*Moved from a desperate situation to a safe one
*a change
Catalyst - A substance that enables a chemical reaction to precede at a faster rate. An agent that provokes significant change or action.

Elephant Toothpaste

Here is the chemical breakdown of H2O2 using a catalyst of yeast to produce foam. Easy to do at home.

Christian Behavior -
- Love each other as brothers (vs 1)
- Entertain Strangers (vs 2)
- Remember those in prison as if you yourself were a prisoner. (vs 3)
- Remember those who are mistreated as if you yourself were mistreated. (vs 3)
- Remain faithful to your marriage vows (vs 4)
- Keep yourselves free from materialism (vs 5)
- Be content with what you have (vs 5)
- Support your pastoral & ministry leaders, observe their lives of faith and practice it yourself. (vs 7 & 17)
- Do not be carried away by strange doctrines that place works above grace. (vs 9)
- Endure misunderstandings and gossip because of your commitment to Jesus, sharing in His reproach. It will come from both inside and outside of the church. (vs 13)
- Let praise ever be on our lips (vs 15)
-Sacrifice and share, doing good (vs 16)

We can try on our own to produce these results, but work as hard as we can, it just does not happen from inside. We need a CATALYST to make these changes in our life.
Interesting that the Catalyst does not change, but rather He brings about change in our lives. Don't become discouraged by your failures, rather look to Hebrews 13 as promises of what you will be like with Jesus in your life.

Coke and Mentos

Popular experiment that shows a chemical reaction.
