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CrossWay Church

November 19: A Call To Humility

November 19: A Call To Humility

Locations & Times

CrossWay Church Battle Ground

311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Philippians 1:27-2:11(951 & 1824): A Call to Humility

I) Christians will _________________.

A) Paul was in __________________ when he wrote this letter.

B) Believers should not be caught off ________ when difficulties arise.

II) God can bring ______________ out of our suffering.

A) Suffering can produce _____________ character!

B) Suffering can reveal ________________ and strength in us.

C) Suffering well can be a powerful _____________ to unbelievers.

III) How does God accomplish this?

A) Believers need to be rooted in the gospel and _______________ in their relationship with Christ.

B) Believers also need to be a part of a Christian _______________.

C) Believers must humbly ________________ others.

True humility is not thinking less of yourself or thinking more of yourself; it’s thinking of yourself less. - Tim Keller

1) Fight our ____________ desires that create relational strife.

When we don’t meet others’ desires, we have reasons for it.
When others don’t meet our desires, they have excuses the didn’t do it.

2) Stop looking for (vain) _____________ from others or things.

Kenodoxia(Vain conceit or glory) means empty of glory or worth.
When don’t think we have worth we look for it from other places.

D) Christ’s sacrificial love is the ultimate ________________. His Spirit empowers us live it out.