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Lifepoint Church

Student Teachers

Student Teachers

James teaches us that our words, especially those from teachers, are powerful for good and bad.

Locations & Times

Lifepoint Lewis Center

7719 Graphics Way, Lewis Center, OH 43035, USA

Saturday 9:00 PM

Faith + Works = Life
There’s a difference between a profession of faith and a possession of faith
Christians face a judgment, but not the judgment
Christianity blesses the humble and humbles the blessed
Be careful, not resentful
Tongue Twister:

1. Do not complain or grumble
2. Do not boast about anything at all
3. Do not gossip or repeat bad information about someone else
4. Do not run somebody down, even a little
5. Do not defend or excuse yourself, no matter what
6. Do always affirm other people
Your words both determine and reveal who you really are