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Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene

Burning Questions, Part 3: Do All Roads Lead to God?

Burning Questions, Part 3: Do All Roads Lead to God?

In our culture, we are bombarded with choices. Food choices, entertainment choices, and some believe we even have choices when it comes to Truth. The claims of Christ are exclusive- "he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life." And in this we have hope! Thanks for joining us as we wrap up our "Burning Questions" series.

Locations & Times

Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg

1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

This week at HFCN

1. Outdoor services on Sundays at 9:00 will continue until further notice! Bring your own chair OR feel free to stay in your vehicle and listen via FM radio (97.9FM). We will continue to ensure that proper social distancing is taking place.

*Beginning August 6, we will begin to offer an indoor worship option on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm (doors will open at 7:15pm). Masks and social distancing will be required. If you are not willing to wear a mask, we ask that you join us for an outdoor or online service on Sunday morning.

2. Fall Life Group registrations begin August 9! Sign up + connect here:

3. There are multiple East Rock Campus events coming up! Click here to check out what's happening:

*Check out our Church Center app to register for Events, stay connected to your Life Group, and manage your Giving. You can also use the app to check-in on Sunday mornings:

Today’s question: Do all roads lead to God?
Why this question?
-Our world is increasingly influenced by pluralism, the idea that there is truth in all religions and there is not a religion/faith that is the sole and exclusive source of truth
-Our world is increasingly influenced by moralism, the idea that faith doesn’t matter as long as you live a moral life
-We live in a world that loves choices but the claims of Christ are exclusive
-it is imperative that we understand what the Bible says to each of us as we seek to understand the answer to this question and how we are to respond
-The Old Testament spoke often of “the way” - Deuteronomy 5, Isaiah 30, Psalm 27
-Jesus does not tell us about the way, but instead declares that he is the way
-The Psalmist speaks of “the truth” - Psalm 86, Psalm 119
-Many teachers could claim “I have taught you the truth” but only Jesus could claim “I am the truth”
-What all people want in the end is not truth in and of itself, but truth that leads to life
-Life with Jesus and through Jesus is a life worth living

Some may ask:
-“How can you believe in a God who is so narrow minded?”
-“How can you believe in a God that only would provide one way?”

Perhaps the question should be
-“Why has God even provided one way at all?”
-“Why has provided any way to redeem such a broken and lost world?”
If Jesus is the only way to God, then it begs the question: “now what?”
What do you do with the exclusive call of Christ and its implications?
Bottom Line:
Knowing the way changes you. Showing the way changes the world.
Other Texts for Study/Reflection

VIDEO: Do All Roads Lead to God?

Pastor Adrian goes deeper into our topic in this quick video.

Giving at HFCN

If you have ever have questions or need help with online giving, please let us know. Thank you for your partnership in the Kingdom of Christ!