Mountain View Church

God's Tent
Locations & Times
Saddleback Valley Christian School
26333 Oso Rd, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
NOTE: All links below don't work here. Go to
Saddleback Valley Christian School
26333 Oso Road | San Juan Capistrano
PARKING TIPS: We have arranged a parking agreement with the Shea Center adjacent to SVCS on Sunday mornings and the reserved parking signs in the lots at the school do not pertain to Sunday so please park in any spot other than the handicapped spots if you are not eligible. Our skilled parking team will be there to assist you as well.
upcoming events...
Women's Studies:
Study # 1 SEAMLESS: Understanding the Bible in one complete story. In 7 sessions, Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. Whether you've grown up hearing Bible stories or you're exploring Scripture for the first time, the full story of the Bible can be overwhelming.
- MONDAYS 9:00-11:00am beginning 9/25 hosted by Vicki McLucas in San Clemente.- FRIDAYS 12:00-2:00pm beginning 9/22 hosted by Jill Hauk in San Clemente- WEDNESDAYS 9:30-11:30am beginning 9/20 hosted by Kim Walsh in San Clemente- WEDNESDAYS 7:00-9:00pm beginning 9/20 hosted by Laurie Waters in Lake Forest- THURSDAYS 9:00-11:00am beginning 9/21 hosted by Colleen Coon and Mona Ramstead in Coto de Caza
STUDY # 2: "Listening to God- THURSDAYS 6:30pm beginning 9/21 hosted by Debbie Gilbert i Laguna Niguelto facilitate hearing God's voice. Dinner, fellowship and listening to God. $7 donation for dinner each week.
Sign up for these studies HERE For more information EMAIL Cassie Snow
WELCOME HOME LUNCH SUNDAY October 1st | 12:30pm
Our Welcome Home lunches are a great place to meet the Mountain View family. We eat great food, share our story (maybe hear yours), and talk about what the future looks like for Mountain View Church and how you can be a part of it. RSVP HERE For more informationEMAIL Karen Zelaya
Sunday, August 19th at 10:00AM - City Walk San Juan Capistrano:
Meet us at the train depot platform on Verdugo Street for an Historical Walking Tour of San Juan Capistrano. We will walk approximately 4 city blocks over the span of 1½ hours and learn the amazing history that took place right in our backyard. For those who have a bit more time, join us for coffee or tea afterwards at a local shop. Sign-up at the City Life table on Sunday. Questions? Contact Nicole Parno at or 949-235-4516
Sunday, August 27th at 5:00PM - City Table Laguna Niguel: Dinner at the Darrel and Jill Hauk's Home. Contact Jill Hauk for more information, to RSVP, and for location.
For more info or to sign up for any of these City Life events please
A couple dates to make sure you have on your calendar! MEN'S BOOT CAMP | October 26 - 29 MARRIAGE RETREAT | November 3 - 5
weekly events...
HIGHLANDS: Weekly Young Adult Service
Monday Nights in the old Mountain View Church chapel at Mariners in San Juan Capistrano! 6:30pm for community and cold brew followed by 7:00pm service
For more info Email Zac Rodarmel
stay connected...
How can I give?
New recurring giving option!
You can now set up your recurring gift or give by check HERE. For security purposes you will need a log in and password. If you do not already have one just click the SIGN UP link and you will have access to our online community and will be able to manage your giving preferences. If you have any questions or need assistance setting this up please email Pam Nipelle
You can text the word GIVE to 949-446-1020 and from your phone.
You can give offerings in the fuel cans on Sunday mornings, you can set up your online banking as an monthly gift to Mountain View and mail your donations to :
Mountain View Church
P.O. Box 2058 Mission Viejo, CA 92690
Give securely online HERE
Text Updates
Text HOME to 949-446-1020 to get weekly text updates sent to your phone.
Sunday morning message online
Our weekly message is available HERE
mountain view church
sundays 9 & 11am
saddleback valley christian school
26333 oso road san juan capistrano
mvc office
32382 del obispo street, #b3 san juan capistrano
Saddleback Valley Christian School
26333 Oso Road | San Juan Capistrano
PARKING TIPS: We have arranged a parking agreement with the Shea Center adjacent to SVCS on Sunday mornings and the reserved parking signs in the lots at the school do not pertain to Sunday so please park in any spot other than the handicapped spots if you are not eligible. Our skilled parking team will be there to assist you as well.
upcoming events...
Women's Studies:
Study # 1 SEAMLESS: Understanding the Bible in one complete story. In 7 sessions, Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. Whether you've grown up hearing Bible stories or you're exploring Scripture for the first time, the full story of the Bible can be overwhelming.
- MONDAYS 9:00-11:00am beginning 9/25 hosted by Vicki McLucas in San Clemente.- FRIDAYS 12:00-2:00pm beginning 9/22 hosted by Jill Hauk in San Clemente- WEDNESDAYS 9:30-11:30am beginning 9/20 hosted by Kim Walsh in San Clemente- WEDNESDAYS 7:00-9:00pm beginning 9/20 hosted by Laurie Waters in Lake Forest- THURSDAYS 9:00-11:00am beginning 9/21 hosted by Colleen Coon and Mona Ramstead in Coto de Caza
STUDY # 2: "Listening to God- THURSDAYS 6:30pm beginning 9/21 hosted by Debbie Gilbert i Laguna Niguelto facilitate hearing God's voice. Dinner, fellowship and listening to God. $7 donation for dinner each week.
Sign up for these studies HERE For more information EMAIL Cassie Snow
WELCOME HOME LUNCH SUNDAY October 1st | 12:30pm
Our Welcome Home lunches are a great place to meet the Mountain View family. We eat great food, share our story (maybe hear yours), and talk about what the future looks like for Mountain View Church and how you can be a part of it. RSVP HERE For more informationEMAIL Karen Zelaya
Sunday, August 19th at 10:00AM - City Walk San Juan Capistrano:
Meet us at the train depot platform on Verdugo Street for an Historical Walking Tour of San Juan Capistrano. We will walk approximately 4 city blocks over the span of 1½ hours and learn the amazing history that took place right in our backyard. For those who have a bit more time, join us for coffee or tea afterwards at a local shop. Sign-up at the City Life table on Sunday. Questions? Contact Nicole Parno at or 949-235-4516
Sunday, August 27th at 5:00PM - City Table Laguna Niguel: Dinner at the Darrel and Jill Hauk's Home. Contact Jill Hauk for more information, to RSVP, and for location.
For more info or to sign up for any of these City Life events please
A couple dates to make sure you have on your calendar! MEN'S BOOT CAMP | October 26 - 29 MARRIAGE RETREAT | November 3 - 5
weekly events...
HIGHLANDS: Weekly Young Adult Service
Monday Nights in the old Mountain View Church chapel at Mariners in San Juan Capistrano! 6:30pm for community and cold brew followed by 7:00pm service
For more info Email Zac Rodarmel
stay connected...
How can I give?
New recurring giving option!
You can now set up your recurring gift or give by check HERE. For security purposes you will need a log in and password. If you do not already have one just click the SIGN UP link and you will have access to our online community and will be able to manage your giving preferences. If you have any questions or need assistance setting this up please email Pam Nipelle
You can text the word GIVE to 949-446-1020 and from your phone.
You can give offerings in the fuel cans on Sunday mornings, you can set up your online banking as an monthly gift to Mountain View and mail your donations to :
Mountain View Church
P.O. Box 2058 Mission Viejo, CA 92690
Give securely online HERE
Text Updates
Text HOME to 949-446-1020 to get weekly text updates sent to your phone.
Sunday morning message online
Our weekly message is available HERE
mountain view church
sundays 9 & 11am
saddleback valley christian school
26333 oso road san juan capistrano
mvc office
32382 del obispo street, #b3 san juan capistrano
You can give securely using this link.
Listen to the podcast, watch videos of previous sermons or read Todd's blog here.