Plantation SDA Church

The Great Unveiling Part 22: The Last Deception
Join us as Linden deCarmo continues our exploration through the book of Revelation
Locations & Times
Plantation SDA Church
400 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL 33325, USA
Wednesday 7:30 PM
Theme: When the Bible mentions something multiple times. Pay attention! If you do, you'll avoid the last great deception.
Don't get Fooled!
Don't get Fooled!
Seminar Outline:
• Review: Mission Accomplished
•Theme of Revelation: Love
• Review: When Gorging Isn’t a Sin
•Theme of Chapter 19: Choice
• Review: Mission Accomplished
•Theme of Revelation: Love
• Review: When Gorging Isn’t a Sin
•Theme of Chapter 19: Choice
The Scene
•The Abyss
•Lake of Fire
•Judgement Hall/Throne Room
•Great White Throne
•The Abyss
•Lake of Fire
•Judgement Hall/Throne Room
•Great White Throne
• The Actors
•The Angel
•The Dragon
•Beheaded Souls
•Beast/False Prophet
•The Angel
•The Dragon
•Beheaded Souls
•Beast/False Prophet
The Angel of Verse 1
•Much speculation on identity
•NOT the Angel in Rev 9:1
•Key Indicates CONTROL
•More Powerful than the Devil
•Much speculation on identity
•NOT the Angel in Rev 9:1
•Key Indicates CONTROL
•More Powerful than the Devil
The Bottomless Pit
•ἄβυσσος : Greek the Bottomless pit
•Formless & Void (Gen 1:2)
•Demons are flung here (Luke 8:31)
•Ancient beliefs about death
•A Time of Reflection
•ἄβυσσος : Greek the Bottomless pit
•Formless & Void (Gen 1:2)
•Demons are flung here (Luke 8:31)
•Ancient beliefs about death
•A Time of Reflection
Millennium Views
•Word is NOT in the Bible!
•Word is NOT in the Bible!
•2nd Coming BEFORE 1000 years
•Held by most early Christians
•Small Minority in modern times (including Adventists)
•2nd Coming BEFORE 1000 years
•Held by most early Christians
•Small Minority in modern times (including Adventists)
•Time BETWEEN 1st & 2nd Coming
•Most Popular belief in Christianity
•Symbolic time period of church’s reign on earth
•Time BETWEEN 1st & 2nd Coming
•Most Popular belief in Christianity
•Symbolic time period of church’s reign on earth
•2nd Coming AFTER 1000 years
•1,000 years of peace +prosperity
•Contradicts Rev 20
•Very few modern advocates
•2nd Coming AFTER 1000 years
•1,000 years of peace +prosperity
•Contradicts Rev 20
•Very few modern advocates
Is it Literal?
•Strong case for symbolic 1,000 years
•Strong case for literal 1,000 years
•Clearly represents a specific period of time
•Strong case for symbolic 1,000 years
•Strong case for literal 1,000 years
•Clearly represents a specific period of time
The Thrones
•Symbol of Authority
•Martyrs (Rev 6:9)
•End Time People (Rev 20:4)
•Symbol of Authority
•Martyrs (Rev 6:9)
•End Time People (Rev 20:4)
The Fifth Beatitude
•5th of 7 Beatitudes in Revelation
•Rev 1:3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, 14
The 1st resurrection
•For the Righteous
•Described by Paul (1 Thes 4:16)
•START of the Millennium
•For the Righteous
•Described by Paul (1 Thes 4:16)
•START of the Millennium
• The 2nd Resurrection
•For the WICKED
•They sleep DURING Millennium
•Raised AT THE END of the 1, 000 years (Rev 20:5)
•For the WICKED
•They sleep DURING Millennium
•Raised AT THE END of the 1, 000 years (Rev 20:5)
Types of death
•Death BEFORE second coming
•Death VIA Lake of Fire
•SPECIAL cases (extra deaths)
•Death BEFORE second coming
•Death VIA Lake of Fire
•SPECIAL cases (extra deaths)
• The Second Death!
•Righteous Immune
•Final Punishment for Wicked!
•No further chances!
•Righteous Immune
•Final Punishment for Wicked!
•No further chances!
• The last deception
•Wicked raised at end of Millennium (Rev 20:5)
•Satan cons(!?) them once again
•Attack the Holy City (Rev 20:9)
•Wicked raised at end of Millennium (Rev 20:5)
•Satan cons(!?) them once again
•Attack the Holy City (Rev 20:9)
• Gog & Magog
•Allusion to Ezekiel 36-38
•Josephus says it’s the Scythian horde
•Many commentators say Russia
•Jewish Study Bible: Satan
•Allusion to Ezekiel 36-38
•Josephus says it’s the Scythian horde
•Many commentators say Russia
•Jewish Study Bible: Satan
The North
•Gog comes from the North
•Russia is the dominant northern country
•Little/No Biblical support for Russia
•Gog comes from the North
•Russia is the dominant northern country
•Little/No Biblical support for Russia
Symbolic name?
•Occurs 11 Times in Ezekiel (38:2, 3, 14, 16, 18 39:1, 11, 15)
•Always represents the enemies of God
•A symbolic name, not literal
•Occurs 11 Times in Ezekiel (38:2, 3, 14, 16, 18 39:1, 11, 15)
•Always represents the enemies of God
•A symbolic name, not literal
•There is no millennium in Ezekiel 38
•There is no Temple in Rev 20
•There is no millennium in Ezekiel 38
•There is no Temple in Rev 20
Symbolic Fulfillment
•Christ (Acts 4:27, 2:24, 32)
•Church (Zech 2:8, Matt 25:40,45)
•End Times (Rev 17:14, 3:20-21)
•Christ (Acts 4:27, 2:24, 32)
•Church (Zech 2:8, Matt 25:40,45)
•End Times (Rev 17:14, 3:20-21)
Resounding Defeat
•Fire consumes the devil and evil hosts
•Truly a mission with no chance to succeed
•Fire consumes the devil and evil hosts
•Truly a mission with no chance to succeed
Eternal Torment
•Beast/Satan tormented forever?
•εἰςτοὺςαἰῶναςαἰῶναςαἰῶνας: Unto the Ages of the Ages
•Allusion to Edom’s Destruction (Is 34:10)
•Beast/Satan tormented forever?
•εἰςτοὺςαἰῶναςαἰῶναςαἰῶνας: Unto the Ages of the Ages
•Allusion to Edom’s Destruction (Is 34:10)
Complete Destruction
•Nothing left Mal 4:1
•Sodom destroyed w/Eternal fire Jude 7
•Nothing left Mal 4:1
•Sodom destroyed w/Eternal fire Jude 7
Two Sets of Books
•Books opened (Rev 20:12)
•Allusion to Dan 7:10
•Book of Life Unique (Rev 20:12)
•Books opened (Rev 20:12)
•Allusion to Dan 7:10
•Book of Life Unique (Rev 20:12)
Book of Life
•Ancient cities: Roll book of citizens (Is 4:3, Ezek 13:9)
•Described by Christ (Luke 10:20)
•Also by Paul (Phil 4:3)
•Ancient cities: Roll book of citizens (Is 4:3, Ezek 13:9)
•Described by Christ (Luke 10:20)
•Also by Paul (Phil 4:3)
Why the Sea?
•Ancient confusion
•Greek belief no afterlife for those who died at sea
•God can resurrect ANYONE
•Ancient confusion
•Greek belief no afterlife for those who died at sea
•God can resurrect ANYONE
Timeline Overview
•Events BEFORE
•Events DURING
•Events AFTER
•Events BEFORE
•Events DURING
•Events AFTER
Before the Millennium
•Second Coming (Rev 19:11-21)
•Wicked Slain (Rev 19:21)
•Righteous resurrected (Rev 20:4-6)
•Righteous to Heaven (1 Thes 4:17)
•Satan initially bound (Rev 20:1-3)
•Earth desolated (Rev 20:5)
•Second Coming (Rev 19:11-21)
•Wicked Slain (Rev 19:21)
•Righteous resurrected (Rev 20:4-6)
•Righteous to Heaven (1 Thes 4:17)
•Satan initially bound (Rev 20:1-3)
•Earth desolated (Rev 20:5)
DURING the Millennium
•Saints reign w/Christ (Rev 20:4)
•Saints Judge (Rev 20:4)
•Satan remains bound (Rev 20:1-3)
•Earth remains desolate (Rev 20:5)
•Saints reign w/Christ (Rev 20:4)
•Saints Judge (Rev 20:4)
•Satan remains bound (Rev 20:1-3)
•Earth remains desolate (Rev 20:5)
End of the Millennium
•Holy City Descends (Rev 20:9, 21:2)
•Wicked resurrected (Rev 20:5, 13)
•Satan freed (Rev 20:7-9)
•Satan/Wicked Judged (Rev 20:11-15)
•Earth renewed (Rev 21:1, 2 Pe 3:10-14)
•Holy City Descends (Rev 20:9, 21:2)
•Wicked resurrected (Rev 20:5, 13)
•Satan freed (Rev 20:7-9)
•Satan/Wicked Judged (Rev 20:11-15)
•Earth renewed (Rev 21:1, 2 Pe 3:10-14)
Your Options
•Spend the 1,000 years w/Christ
•Be burned up in the lake of fire
•The choice is YOURS
•Spend the 1,000 years w/Christ
•Be burned up in the lake of fire
•The choice is YOURS
Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation
The Great Unveiling Series is based on the Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation by Ranko Stefanovic.