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Plantation SDA Church

Pray Hard When It’s Hard! Pray Hardest When It’s Hardest!

Our speaker today will be Pastor Joseph Salajan

Locations & Times

Plantation SDA Church

400 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL 33325, USA

Saturday 9:00 AM

Saturday 11:30 AM

Watch the service Live!

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Missed a Service?

Unable to make a service? Don't worry, we've got all sermons and many complete services archived back to 2004!

You can watch on our channels

Vimeo (Commercial free):

Theme: Praying in the time of trouble and trial: if you don't forget God in the good days, you will trust Him in the bad days! Be thankful and fulfill your promises to God - this is How you will avoid forgetting Him!
Sermon Outline:

Psalm 50:14-15: 14 Offer to God thanksgiving, And pay your vows to the Most High! 15 "Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me."

In Psalm 50, God rebukes his covenant people for their religious formalism. They were meticulously performing their animal-sacrifices to God as if they were giving God something! And under their scrupulous religiosity there was wickedness: immorality, injustice, idolatry!

So God tells them: Don’t act as if you are giving me things! You’re not giving me anything; I’m giving you everything! For the world is mine, and all its fullness!!!

1. Thankfulness and Obedience

Sacrifice to God today!!! And keep the promises you made to the Most High!!!

When do you forget God, in the time of trouble? I’m inclined to forget God in good times! When I’m in trouble I tend to remember God! There are no atheists on a sinking ship…

2. Forgetfulness and Wickedness

Strong rebuke of the wicked of God’s covenant people! (vv. 16-22)

E. White: We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history. What does it say?

We’ve been taught that there is past, present and future: past (that’s behind me), present (that’s where I am) and future (that’s ahead of me). That’s the Greek view of time!

The Hebrew view is different. My past is before me; my future is behind me! I’m not facing the future; I’m facing the past and I’m going backwards toward my future!

If I forget the past, I forget what God did for me there. When the time of trouble comes… my mind goes blank! Then I suddenly remember Him. Like the prodigal son… I call upon Him and make promises, because I know the Bible: 15 Call upon Me…

And God delivers me… and I forget again (no thanks, no promises kept). If I remember God, but I don’t repent... (I am not thankful, I’m not obedient...), if I only look for an easy way out… the God I’m praying to is not God…; it’s only a pitiful distortion of God.

If I keep on thankful and obedient, every new trouble will bring to memory not the previous trouble, but the deliverance from it!!!

Give Online to Plantation SDA Church

Did you know you can donate tithes and offerings to Plantation SDA church online? Just click on the link below and fill out the form. Your contribution can help us help those in need and also spread the gospel.
Thank you!

Ministry of Giving

Offering Last Week: $2,998.88
Offering Month to Date: $2,998.88
2017 Offering Surplus (Deficit): ($3,100.09)

Service Order and Participants

Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation

Welcome: Addy Lubin

Children’s Story: Monique Lovelace

Ministry in Action: Men’s Ministry

Offering Call: Rupert Brown

Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation

Intercessory Prayer: James Malone

Sermon: Pastor Joseph Salajan

Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation

Dedication in Song: Congregation

Benediction: Pastor Joseph Salajan

Afterglow: Praise Team & Congregation

Worship Coordinator: Michaela Anderson

Praise & Worship Team

Praise Leader(s)
Dane Hurst
Vanessa Anderson

Addy Lubin
Wydnyr Richardson

Carolyn Reid-Brown
Edna Damessous
Jennifer Malone-Amodeo

Mickie Cadet
Romeo Allison


We are excited to welcome the following people into the family of God via baptism today:

Latoya Anderson-Goodman

Ronald Goodman

Althea Marie Barrett

Alyssa Porcena

Sunset Information

Today: 7:59 PM
Next Friday: 7:53 PM

Need someone to pray for/with you?

Sick or hurting and need prayer?

Send your request to

Upcoming Events

Aug 12 – Baptisms

Aug 12 – P&W Concert

Aug 13 – Mission Council Meeting

Aug 15 – SAS Board Meeting

Aug 19 – AY

Aug 20 – Monthly Prayer Session

Aug 26 – Children’s Ministry Sabbath

Aug 27 – Women’s Ministry Prayer Breakfast

Men’s Prayer session

The Planation Men's ministry host a prayer session immediately following second service. Come and join us as we pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

Sabbath Afternoon Bible Study

Join us at 5:30PM in the the youth room as we continue our study of Genesis. Everyone is welcome.

This Sabbath, our study will resume with Genesis 24:1

Monthly Prayer Summit

Come join us on the 3rd Sunday of each Month from 5:00AM to 10:00AM as we pray for healing, revival and reformation for our community and our nation. Let’s unite with one voice to cry out for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. For more information, contact Dion Walden or Angela Smith.

Social Media

You can follow us on the various social media sites below for the latest videos, photos and news updates.






We look forward to interacting with you.

The Great Unveiling: Part 21

The Great Unveiling!

Join us each Wednesday at 7:30PM as we continue our journey through the book of Revelation. During this series, we delve into the exciting news that Jesus wins and returns victorious for his people.

Help Us Create a Useful New Website

We're creating a new web site and value your input. Please give us feedback here.

Own a Business? Let Everyone Know About It

We're assembling a directory of businesses owned and run by our church members so when other members need a good or service, they know who to contact.

If you own or run your own business, please let other church members know what goods and/or services you provide. Email with these details:

Business Name:

Phone #(s):

Service(s) provided:

Hours of Operation:

Address (if available):

Email (if available):

Web site (if available):

Social Media links (if available):

Fax # (if available)

Mother's In Touch International (MITI)

MITI meets to pray for the children and their schools on the first Sabbath afternoon of each month at 2:00 PM in the Mother’s Room. For more information, please contact Angela Smith

Help Needed! Parking Ministry

The Parking Ministry is looking for a few men and women who can dedicate one Sabbath a month to serve the church. If interested, please
contact Mozart Porcena or Michael Adden

MERGE: Young Adult Ministry

Young Adults are experiencing faith, friendship, and service.

Plantation’s Young Adult Ministry meets Saturdays at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

For questions or more information email us at


call Lee

You can also download Celly app:

and look us up


Important Tax Announcement

Please make sure you legibly print your first and last names and address (including apartment number) on the tithe envelope every time you turn one in to keep our records current.

We have several families with the same last name, so if you want to have an accurate tithe report at the end of the year, please be specific regarding your name and address.

If we can't read your name or you don't give us an address, unfortunately, we can't provide you with a tax receipt.

Interested in Bible Study?

If you or someone you know would like to know God better and study for baptism, please contact Alex Graham.

Also, please come to the Baptismal Study Group at 10:40 on Sabbath morning and say hello!

Hope Ministry Needs You!

The Hope (Helping Oppressed People Everyday) Ministry makes life changing impacts in the lives of those without housing or shelter, the battered and abused and those in need of food.

But to continue to make this impact, we need

Monetary donations
Goods such toothbrushes, tooth-paste, and soap.

Please contact Jesse Guillaime at

and visit

to learn more about this ministry

Sick and Shut-ins

Enid Cawley

Paul Van Putten Sr

Mary Kopp

Jeremy Gayle is home after bicycle accident. His dad is Franz Gayle, father

Marvel Jones

Plantation Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs

Upcoming Calendar


Pathfinders: Peta Ann Anderson

Adventurers: Dawn Williams

Religious Liberty: Legal Problems on the job or at school?

Is your employer threatening to fire you if you don't work on Sabbath?
Is your employer refusing to give you Sabbath off?
Is your school requiring you to take a test on Sabbath?

If so, we can help! please email

to understand your legal options and/or get some help.

Please don’t quit your job before talking with us.

Looking for a job?

Are you looking for a job or considering switching jobs?

Does your business need employees?

If so, contact Jonathan Williams at

Brother's Keeper's Jobs is a jobs registry that helps match those in need of employement with those looking to employ workers.

Baby Dedication

Upcoming Calendar:

August 19, 2017


For information regarding our next baby dedication, please contact Joie at the church office, 954-473-4991.

We're Building a Social Media Team

Are you knowledgeable in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube?

Do you enjoy interacting with people?

If so, please contact

We want to ensure that our live stream viewers feel welcomed and part of the family. We need team members who are able to:

Answer questions from our viewers
Pray with viewers
Report audio/video issues that viewers are experiencing to the media team

Joining the Plantation Family

Interested in joining our Church family?

Please fill out a membership application/transfer form, located in the literature rack in the church foyer. Then place it in the Church Clerk’s mailbox located in the Ministries Office.

Contact our Church Clerk, Melissa Mangual at

or the church office at


for more information and the status of your transfer request. The average time for transfers to take place is:

Domestic – 3 months;

International – 4 to 5 months.

Children’s Baptismal Classes

The class meets from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM in the prayer room . All children ages 8-12 who are interested in being baptized are welcome to attend.

Contact Marina Westerdahl to get more information.

Volunteers Needed

• Hope Ministry
• Usher Ministry
• Deacon and Deaconess Ministries
• Worship Coordinators
• Children’s Sabbath School
• Pathfinders
• Parking Ministry
• People willing to do the welcome
• Children’s Story
• Offering Call
• Maintenance workers
• Family Life Ministry leader
• Visual Arts Media
• Media Ministry
• Social Media Ministry

Please contact the church office

954-473- 4991

if you are interested in helping with any of these positions.

Children's Ministry

Upcoming Calendar

August 26: Children’s Ministry Sabbath

September 23: Children’s Church

September 30: Children’s 13th Sabbath

Family Life is Cruising

What: Family Life Ministries/Adventist Single Adult Ministries Cruise to the Bahamas

When: August 31 st -September 4, 2017. Carnival conquest,

Cost: $454.50 per person (double occupancy) or Single occupancy $768.59.

Speaker: Mike Tucker (Faith for Today).

Registration: or call 404-486- 8800.

Church Office Hours

The office is open from

9:30 AM to 2:00PM Monday - Friday.

Please leave a voicemail or email message during all other hours.

Children's Choir

The Children's Choir practice has been suspended until further notice. This announcement will be updated when the status changes.

Nurse on Call

If you have a medical problem during Sabbath church service please contact Canute Anderson

Requesting an announcement for the bulletin/Youversion

If you would like to have an announcement put into the Church Newsletter, it should be 50 words or less and must be emailed to by 5:00 PM on Tuesday.