The Journey Church

Parables – Inside Out
Discussion & Reflection from our current series
Locations & Times
The Journey Church
5660 Quarterline Rd, Muskegon, MI 49444, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
RECAP: Parables: Short Stories Big Lessons
In this series we’re looking at some of the short stories with big lessons that Jesus shared to illustrate what it looks like to be in a relationship with God.
In this series we’re looking at some of the short stories with big lessons that Jesus shared to illustrate what it looks like to be in a relationship with God.
1) Are you someone that likes rules and clear expectations? Talk about a time when you were frustrated by too many rules or a lack of rules.
2)Growing up in your family, were your parents more focused on behavior modification or heart transformation? Why do you say that?
3)Read Mark 7:14-23 and Matthew 23:25-26. The Pharisees were concerned about what “goes into a person”, about externals; but Jesus was concerned about what “comes out of a person”, what was in their heart. If you were to do some honest reflection, what side of that do you tend to lean into?
4)In Matthew 23 Jesus used the example of a cup. The Pharisees were concerned about the outside being clean and spotless, but the inside was a mess. Jesus called out their hypocrisy. Is there any area of your life where you tend to do that too? You focus on the outside, what people see and behavior modification, but if you look closely, your heart still needs to be transformed?
5)In Psalm 139:23-24 the author prays for God to search his heart & reveal what’s wrong in his heart. That’s a scary prayer. Are you willing to pray that kind of prayer? When we do we can move to heart transformation not just behavior modification. If you’re willing, take some time to pray that kind of prayer and listen to what God may be revealing to you.
6)The Bible says that when we begin a relationship with Jesus we are a new creation, we can have a new heart. He can begin performing “heart surgery” on us. Is there any area of your life where you have been trying to do behavior modification and you need to have a heart transformation? Take time and pray and ask God to begin his work on you in that area. It’s the way to freedom.
1) Are you someone that likes rules and clear expectations? Talk about a time when you were frustrated by too many rules or a lack of rules.
2)Growing up in your family, were your parents more focused on behavior modification or heart transformation? Why do you say that?
3)Read Mark 7:14-23 and Matthew 23:25-26. The Pharisees were concerned about what “goes into a person”, about externals; but Jesus was concerned about what “comes out of a person”, what was in their heart. If you were to do some honest reflection, what side of that do you tend to lean into?
4)In Matthew 23 Jesus used the example of a cup. The Pharisees were concerned about the outside being clean and spotless, but the inside was a mess. Jesus called out their hypocrisy. Is there any area of your life where you tend to do that too? You focus on the outside, what people see and behavior modification, but if you look closely, your heart still needs to be transformed?
5)In Psalm 139:23-24 the author prays for God to search his heart & reveal what’s wrong in his heart. That’s a scary prayer. Are you willing to pray that kind of prayer? When we do we can move to heart transformation not just behavior modification. If you’re willing, take some time to pray that kind of prayer and listen to what God may be revealing to you.
6)The Bible says that when we begin a relationship with Jesus we are a new creation, we can have a new heart. He can begin performing “heart surgery” on us. Is there any area of your life where you have been trying to do behavior modification and you need to have a heart transformation? Take time and pray and ask God to begin his work on you in that area. It’s the way to freedom.
God, I pray that you would help me to be willing to look at my heart. Help me to surrender to you that you might do the heart surgery on me that you need to, that I might experience my best life in you. I don’t want to settle for behavior modification, I want a heart transformation that changes me for my good and for the good of others. Search my heart, Oh God and bring transformation to my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God, I pray that you would help me to be willing to look at my heart. Help me to surrender to you that you might do the heart surgery on me that you need to, that I might experience my best life in you. I don’t want to settle for behavior modification, I want a heart transformation that changes me for my good and for the good of others. Search my heart, Oh God and bring transformation to my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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