Albright Church
The Power Of One Seed
The inside story is that God's word is a powerful seed. We can cultivate, sow and water with confidence because God can make it grow.
Locations & Times
  • Albright Church
    415 Maxwell King Dr, East Saint Paul, MB R2E 0A1, Canada
    Friday 2:00 PM

Welcome, Worship and Prayer

Welcome message from Pastor Nathan and a playlist of songs to worship with, followed by a time of prayer.
Worship in Prayer

Let’s join together as the church to declare our gratitude and lift our requests to God as we surrender together to His will for us. Praying together is not limited to our gatherings on Sundays, we can pray together daily as the church! As you pray through these 6 areas, use this prayer guide to help your daily prayer focus all week long

Give thanks and pray:
- for your family
- for your church family, friends, and neighbours
- for our pastors, staff and church leaders
- for healthcare and front line workers
- for Our City and government
- for our EMCC denomination and our Mission Partners

Visit our website for a more detailed Prayer Guide

Worship Through Giving

Giving back to God is a regular expression of worship, gratitude and praise.  See our giving options. Offering Prayer: God thank you for everything that you have provided to us. We give back to you as an expression of worship, gratitude, and praise for who you are. You are a good good father. Thank you that through this challenging time, we are assured that we do not need to worry, but trust that you will provide for our needs. Help us to be generous with what you have given, and lead us into opportunities to bless and serve others with the resources you have given to us. In Jesus' name. Amen
Luke 8:4-15

The inside story is this: Never underestimate the power of one seed which is planted in a person’s heart and soul.
God calls us to be faithful to sow that seed, to water it and to trust Him to bring it to life.
God calls us to respond to the good seed that has been planted in our lives and not to let them be snatched away.
The main reason why Jesus came was to be the Living Seed, the one who would set us free by dying for our sin and living in us by His Spirit.
Jesus explains the parable: The seed is the Word of God.
- Seed that falls on the path is snatched away by the devil to stop us from believing and being saved.

- Seed that falls on the rocky ground is received but because it isn’t rooted it is rejected when life gets hard.
- Seed that falls by the thorns is when we allow life’s worries and pleasures to control us and shape our lives rather than faith in God.
- Seed that falls on good ground responds to Jesus as the one who saves and shapes our lives.
The different grounds can represent the times when our hearts are being prepared by God to receive the seed of His truth.
The inside story is that God is not a game piece to be used as part of your life. He is the designer who is to be trusted for all of your life.
- You can’t keep Jesus on the path beside your home and expect to experience His life.
- You can’t keep Jesus on the rocks in your back yard and expect to be transformed by Him.
- You can’t place Jesus among all the other plans and projects you have and expect Him to lead and guide your life.
Each time seeds are sown God is giving us another opportunity to respond to Him as the owner of our lives.
- Surrender your life fully to God and trust Him for who He is and what He wants to produce in your life.
- Reject the lies of Satan and pursue God and His truth above all.
- Persevere by faith in Jesus, even when you are tested.
- Ruthlessly clear the thorns that are choking the life of God in your life.
- Feed the soil of your heart with spiritual food that will grow you deeper in Him.
What is the soil condition of your heart? What have you done with the seed of truth that has been sown in your life?
“It wasn’t so much about me receiving Christ; it was about me trusting Christ and Him receiving me.” Ravi Zacharias.
- Never underestimate the power of one seed.
- Do not neglect the seed that has been sown in your life.
- Ask God to keep your heart fertile to His truth.
- Make sure the right seed is planted.
- Ask God to produce a harvest of righteousness in your life.
- Never give up.

Kids Resources

We want to do our best to provide resources for families with young children.- Songs of Worship that your kids will know from Preschool Praisers or Kids Konnection. - Access to our HomeFront resource.

RightNow Media

 A reminder that access to RightNow Media is available and free for anyone. Click here to set up your account for access.
We are praying that your in home services will be a fruitful time of experiencing God's presence and enjoying time with Him whether you are on your own or with others, we remain united by the Holy Spirit alive in us! As you gather, feel free to post a picture to our church facebook page! Let’s share the joy of our times meeting with God, whatever they look like!