Louisville church of Christ
Tenders not Pretenders
Locations & Times
  • Louisville church of Christ
    1520 California Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, USA
    Sunday 8:00 AM, Sunday 10:15 AM
Last week we focused on three key words: Care, Bear and Serve. As Christians ... that is what we are called to do for and with one another.
God's desire for His people is that we would be tenders in the body of Christ ... not pretenders.
After you read the story of Ananias and Sapphira do you find yourself asking the question, "Why did they lie?"
Guard your heart, don't give the devil an inch because he will take a mile.
The early church realized with renewed gravity that Jesus' Lordship and the holiness of the community must be taken seriously.
Christianity isn't a life for pretenders ... it is a life for tenders.