StoneBridge Community Church
Under New Management: All Things New
Interim Pastor Neal Nybo
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Online Connection Card
Worship With Generosity
1. The thirstier we are for God...
This is a far more relevant question today than it might have been six months ago. Six months ago our traditional method for being close to God was to go to church. Now, six months later, we've had to ask the question - are we so thirsty for God that we are willing to watch that same church service online?
2. Our faith is completely new...
We cannot add Jesus to something we already have.
1. If you had to explain what point 2 of today's message meant, how would explain it?
2. How have you seen people add Jesus to what they already had? Does that appear to work? Why or why not?
3. If adding Jesus to what you have was a “1” and completely new was a “10” what number would you give yourself and why?
Choose a spiritual discipline, like fasting, silence, or solitude to study a little, not because it’s a rule but because you are thirsty for God.
6 Days To Becoming A Kingdom Disciple
Simi Valley’s Samaritan Center serves the homeless and most disenfranchised in our community. For everyone’s health and safety, for the time being, the Samaritan Center has discontinued it’s free, nightly dinners. Instead, they are asking for $5 and $10 gift card donations to restaurants like Subway, Carl’s Jr., Tommy’s Burgers, Taco Bell, etc. Every evening, gift cards will be distributed to those in need. Help by purchasing gift cards and sending them to StoneBridge Church (4832 Cochran St. 93063). On behalf of our church, we will make sure that the cards are safely delivered to the center.