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GateWay Church of Visalia



Mark 12:1-12 July 19, 2020 Pastor Ed Kemp

Locations & Times

GateWay Church

1100 S Sowell St, Visalia, CA 93277, USA

Sunday 8:30 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

So What?!
How do you handle God’s sovereignty in your life when:

#1. You’re interrupted?

#2. You’re inconvenienced?

#3. You’re injured?
Who is God? Mark 12
Pastor Ed Kemp
Prayer Requests:

Group Discussion: Name one way in which your parents inconvenience themselves so that you would benefit?
Read: Mark 11:27-12:17, Pick out all the times the word authority is used and any words that you think are synonyms in the passage as you read.
Read: Isaiah 5:1-7
How do you handle God’s sovereignty in your life when:
#1. You’re interrupted? Can you think of a time you were doing something important and you were interrupted by someone and you handled it poorly? How about a story when you handled it well? Do you have a tendency to value the task you’re accomplishing more than the people who interrupt you? Do you see interruptions as opportunities to demonstrate to people their importance to you?
#2. You’re inconvenienced? How about a time when you were on a time schedule with an agenda and someone wants you to reorganize and spend time on something with them or for them? How about while driving and someone slows you down or is in your way, how does your mind and spirit handle that?
#3. You’re injured? Ever been physically injured by someone and had to handle your desire to strike back and get revenge?
If God’s sovereignty has the element of providence (God interacting but not in a fatalistic way) do you have thoughts like: “I wonder how God will use this?”
Family Time: Talk to your kids about whether or not they believe their parents think about or pray for them when they’re asleep or away at someone else’s house. If we as parents think about our kids continually just think how much God the Father thinks about us all through our day. Read: Matthew 28:20 where Jesus says, “…and I am with you always.”

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