The Vineyard Church

Legendary Character: The "How’s?” of Experiencing Holiness
Pastor Mark Pope July 8 & 9, 2017
Locations & Times
The Vineyard Church
16219 Jackson Rd, Mishawaka, IN 46544, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:15 AM
More information on all the happenings at The Vineyard Church can be found at our website!
Main Point:
Daniel’s wholeness was helped by…
#1 The presence of an established pattern.
Daniel’s wholeness was helped by…
#1 The presence of an established pattern.
Muscle Memory - The ability to reproduce a particular movement without conscious thought, acquired as a result of frequent repetition of that movement.
Muscle Memory - The ability to reproduce a particular movement without conscious thought, acquired as a result of frequent repetition of that movement.
Sub Point:
"Spiritual Muscle Memory" is the establishment of strategic patterns, that become part of our better future.
"Spiritual Muscle Memory" is the establishment of strategic patterns, that become part of our better future.
What new pattern is it time to practice?
What new pattern is it time to practice?
Main Point:
Daniel’s wholeness was helped by…
#2 His perspective on God’s proximity.
Daniel’s wholeness was helped by…
#2 His perspective on God’s proximity.
Sub Point:
“A God” in heaven is important, but “My God” in heaven brings more impact.
“A God” in heaven is important, but “My God” in heaven brings more impact.
5 Steps to a “My God” mindset:
1. Embrace the concept.
2. Invite the Holy Spirit.
3. Practice the presence.
4. Call Him “Dad.”
5. Interact over His word.
Events at Vineyard:
Look below for a list of all the events Mark mentioned. Simply click on the links provided to sign up for each event.
1. Embrace the concept.
2. Invite the Holy Spirit.
3. Practice the presence.
4. Call Him “Dad.”
5. Interact over His word.
Events at Vineyard:
Look below for a list of all the events Mark mentioned. Simply click on the links provided to sign up for each event.
Lifestyle of Worship
Tuesdays, July 11—July 25, 7–9pm Point
Mondays, July 24—July 31, 6:30–8:30pm to Lead a Healthy Group
Thursday, July 13, 7–8:30pm Groups
We have multiple groups going on across all of our locations. Click on the link below to see a list of all of our current groups. to Get More from Your Bible Time
Monday, July 17, 7–8:30pm of Jesus through the Gospels
Thursdays, August 10—August 31, 7–9pm can give online, through our SecureGive App, in the offering boxes, and at the Giving Center Kiosk in the Atrium.
We don't pass a plate for tithes and offerings here at Vineyard, but we do believe that giving back to Jesus through our finances is an important act of our worship.