Folks Listen Television Broadcast
Have Mercy on Me (FL)
Locations & Times
  • Folks Listen TV Broadcast
    Sunday 5:00 AM

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1. What makes this miracle unique in the book of Mark?
This is the last healing miracle that Mark records

2. How does Matthew and Luke’s account differ from Mark’s account?
Matthew notes that there were two blind men
Luke notes that the miracle occurred as they approached Jericho

3. How can these apparent contradictions be explained?
There were two blind men (Mark/Luke only focus on one of them)
There were two Jerichos (old ruins and a new city).
This probably occurred while leaving the ruins and entering the city

4. Why was there a second Jericho?
The NT Jericho was built by Herod the Great as a winter palace
Located 1 mile south of the OT city and 18 miles NE of Jerusalem


1. What do we learn about the man who is healed?(v46)
His name was Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus.
He was blind (very common in those days, especially in Jericho)
He sat beside the road begging (common near wealthy Jericho)

2. What did he do when he heard that Jesus was passing by? (v47)
Cried out = screaming or anguished shouting

3. What is so significant about what he calls Jesus? (v47)
He call Him by the Messianic title, “Jesus, son of David”
Though physically blind, he believed Jesus was Israel’s Messiah
His physical blindness was common, his spiritual sight was not
They asked for mercy showing that they saw their own inability

4. How did the crowd respond to his clamoring for attention? (v48)
Many were sternly trying to silence him

5. How did Bartimaeus respond to the crowd’s discouragement? (v48)
He cried even louder and more persistently
Desperate people won’t let others keep them from Jesus
Mk 5:25f

6. How did Jesus respond to this situation? (v49)
He stopped (even on his final journey to Jerusalem to die)
He called for the man to be brought to Him

7. What was Bartimaeus’ reaction to this attention? (v49-50)
The crowd changes their tune and encourages Bartimaeus
He throws aside his outer cloak
He jumps up and quickly comes to Jesus

1. Why did Jesus ask Bartimaeus what he wanted Him to do? (v51)
This question was not designed to get information
Jesus wanted Bartimaeus to articulate his need and express his faith

2. What was significant about Bartimaeus’ answer? (v51)
He called Jesus Rabboni, (personal term meaning “Lord & Master”)

3. What happened to Bartimaeus? (v52)
Jesus, moved with compassion, touched their eyes, they immediately regained their sight
Mathew 20:34
Hurt brings God’s compassion, faith His pleasure (Heb 11:6)

4. How did this merciful response of Jesus impact Bartimaeus? (v52)
He immediately began to follow Jesus

1. How does this account picture discipleship?
He recognized his inability
He trusted Jesus as the only one who could give Him mercy
When he could see clearly, he immediately began to follow Jesus
Luke 18:43

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