Hillside Missionary Church

Hillside Missionary Church - Sunday Morning Service - 7/12/21
Thanks for joining us today! Whether you’re a guest or a long-time attendee we’re glad you’re here with us. Hillside is a friendly and caring group of Christians who are here to help people be CONNECTED with Jesus, CHANGED by Jesus, and COMMITTED to the mission of Jesus, and that mission hasn’t changed just because we can’t meet in person. We are continuing to work to glorify God the best way we possibly can! GUESTS: Thanks for joining us today! We truly believe that you’re not here by accident and that God has some amazing plans for your life. If you feel comfortable doing so, feel free to contact us and let us know participating with us online during this time. We’d love to get you connected with us and let you know more about who we are! SERMON SERIES: Our sermon series is going through the book of Nehemiah and is entitled, “Restoring the Broken.” Today’s message is over Nehemiah 9 and answers the question, “How to Repent.” CONNECT: We’d love for you to connect with us online! During this time of social distancing we will be posting our entire service every week on our facebook page and youtube channel. You can also view our services on our website, hmcworship.com, by clicking on the “sermons” page. In addition to that, please continue to reach out to your church family through letters, texts, phone calls, and on facebook.
Locations & Times
21567 Ireland Rd, South Bend, IN 46614, USA
Friday 6:00 PM
1. _______ yourself before God
Neh. 9:1, 1 Peter 5:6, Matt. 23:12, James 4:10
2. Expressly ________ your sin
Neh. 9:2-3, 1 John 1:9, Prov. 28:13, Rom. 10:9
3. Remember the Lord’s ___________
Neh. 9:4-37, Deut. 7:9, Heb. 10:3, 2 Tim. 2:13
1. Have you ever struggled to repent in the past? If so, why?
2. How would your life change if you could remember and think about God’s faithfulness more?
3. What practical step(s) can you take in order to strengthen your relationship with God?
Opportunity to Help
2020 Directory
Prayer Guide
MISSIONARIES: This month pray for the Hubleys in Bulgaria.
FAMILY OF THE WEEK: Each week we’ll pray for a different family in our church. This week pray for the Dodds.
HILLSIDE HAPPENINGS: Pray for us as transition back to in-person services, and when we should move from outdoors to indoors. Pray for the technology, that it would work without any issues. Pray that the church would continue to stay unified under Christ.
CURRENT HAPPENINGS: Please pray for the current health pandemic in our world and in our country. Pray for those who have the virus and for the families of those whom have died because of it. Pray for those who are at risk and susceptible to the virus. Pray for medical staff and for our leaders as they navigate how to best help. Also pray for the unrest and racial divide in our nation. Pray for our leaders.
In-person (7/5): 24
Livestream Worship Service Views (7/5-8): 52
Online (6/28-7/4): $740
In-Person on 7/5: $3520 for general fund, $80 for missions
Total needed weekly to meet budget: $1,575
Meal Train for Clingenpeels
Hybrid Services - Time Change!
Small Group