Christ Community Downtown
Responding to the King - April 24 | Downtown
April 24
Locations & Times
  • Christ Community - Downtown Campus
    208 W 19th St, Kansas City, MO 64108, USA
    Saturday 5:00 AM
Membership Dinner | May 1
If you're interested in becoming a member of Christ Community or you are just curious about membership, join us for dinner Sunday, May 1 at 5:30pm, at the Downtown Campus. Pizza will be provided, so please

Crossroads Academy | May 6
Crossroads Academy is hosting its annual student art show at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art on Friday, May 6 from 5:30 to 8:30pm. Volunteers are needed for greeting, crowd control, art sales, and food service. Volunteer shifts are one and a half hours in length. If you are interested, please contact Tyler at
Sermon Notes | April 24, 2016
Title: Life Is A Mission, Part 2
Speaker: Gabe Coyle,

>> You have to fight fear with fear.
>> You can have confidence the best really is yet to come.
Obviously, to be in the fear of the Lord is not to be scared of the Lord, even though the Hebrew word has overtones of respect and awe. ‘Fear’ in the Bible means to be overwhelmed, to be controlled by something. To fear the Lord is to be overwhelmed with wonder before the greatness of God and his love. It means that, because of his bright holiness and magnificent love, you find him ‘fearfully beautiful.’ That is why the more we experience God’s grace and forgiveness, the more we experience a trembling awe and wonder before the greatness of all that he is and has done for us.
- Tim and Kathy Keller:The Meaning of Marriage
>> You see how much God values you
>> What do you fear about following Jesus?
>> What are you afraid to give up for Jesus?
“The critical question for our generation—and for every generation—is this: If you could have heaven, with no sickness, and with all the friends you ever had on earth, and all the food you ever liked, and all the leisure activities you ever enjoyed, and all the natural beauties you ever saw, all the physical pleasures you ever tasted, and no human conflict or any natural disasters, could you be satisfied with heaven, if Christ were not there? ” - John Piper
Conversation Starters are one way we at Christ Community seek to dig deeper into the current sermon and biblical text. Whether you’re using these individually, as part of a family, or Community Group, please take some time to work through the Bible passages and ask the questions provided.

Conversation Starters – Downtown Campus
Date: Life Is A Mission, Part 2
Series: Responding to the King
Text: Matthew 10:26-42

ICE BREAKER: When you were fifteen, what was your greatest fear?
ADDRESSING FEAR: It’s quite common to hear Christians say “I love God.” It’s less common to hear them say “I fear God.” Why do you think this is? What place does fearhave in our relationship with God?
LOOKING BACK: In this week’s sermon, Gabe asked “What do you fear about following Jesus?” How would you answer that question?
ASSESSING VALUE: Is it hard or easy for you to believe that you are valuable to God? Why?
SPEAKING UP: What do you feel when you talk to others about following Jesus? Afraid? Defensive? Prideful? Why might you feel the way you do?
LOOKING FORWARD: This next week, what would it look like for you to fight “fear with fear”? What steps will you take to fight what you fear about following Jesus?


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