Christ Community Leawood
Responding to the King - April 24 | Leawood
April 24
Locations & Times
  • Christ Community - Leawood Campus
    14200 Kenneth Rd, Leawood, KS 66224, United States
    Saturday 5:00 AM
Clewett Family Luncheon | TODAY
Our pastoral resident Kenny Clewett and his wife Marta is holding a luncheon TODAY at 12:45pm in the Student Center to share about what they will be doing when they return to Spain in July.
Please feel free to join us!
Monday Night Basketball | FINAL Monday
This Monday, April 24, is the last Monday the worship center is open for pick-up basketball games. Come connect with other guys in the church. Invite a friend and join us from 8:00-10:00pm. Bring a white and a dark shirt.
Church Membership Brunch | May 1 and 8
NEXT WEEK! Have you ever considered becoming a member of Christ Community? Join us for a two-week conversation around why we encourage membership as well as what membership means at Christ Community. These sessions will also help you understand more of who we are, what we believe, and how you play a part in our church.

Join us in the Student Center for our membership brunch during the second service (10:45am) on both Sundays, May 1 & 8.
Women’s Summer Gathering | Coming Soon!
Mark your calendars for this summer’s video series called Living Life Together by Shauna Niequist. We’re meeting on Tuesdays at 7:00pm, June 14, 21, 28 and July 12. Invite your neighbor or a friend!

No cost but registration begins in May.
Sermon Notes | April 24, 2016
Responding to the King | Living Without Fear
Speaker: Kenny Clewett,

“People are more likely to have a background sense that life is nastier and more precarious – red in tooth and claw. They put in the tribal walls and distrust the outsider. This anxiety makes everybody a little less humane.
- David Brooks, “The Age of Small Terror”

>> If you follow Jesus, you have nothing to fear.
I. Why is there nothing to fear?

Pues si vemos lo presente
cómo en un punto s'es ido e acabado,
si juzgamos sabiamente,
daremos lo non venido por passado.

Therefore, if we see the present
It is like a dot, swiftly gone
And finished. If we judge wisely,
We will consider what is coming
To already have passed.
- Jorge Manrique, Coplas por la muerte de su padre (II)
>> There’s something greater to fear than death.

“Immanent Frame: a constructed social space that frames our lives entirely within a natural (rather than supernatural) order. It is the circumscribed space of the modern social imaginary that precludes transcendence."
- James K. A. Smith, How (Not) To Be Secular:
Reading Charles Taylor, 141
>> Have you experienced this kind of awe-struck love and worship?
II. How does he release us from fear?
>> To follow Jesus without fear, you must give up everything else.

"Fear is what you feel when your greatest treasure is threatened... So when your greatest treasure is Christ and your union with Christ, which nothing can threaten... You've got nothing to fear. But if your greatest treasure is your life, you've got much to fear."
- Mike Bullmore
>> You start following Jesus by receiving Jesus.
>> As we follow Jesus, we have nothing to fear.

Christ Jesus,who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
- Philippians 2:5–11
Conversation Starters are one way we at Christ Community seek to dig deeper into the current sermon and biblical text. Whether you’re using these individually, as part of a family, or Community Group, please take some time to work through the Bible passages and ask the questions provided.

Conversation Starters – Leawood Campus
Date: April 24, 2016
Series: Responding to the King
Text: Matthew 10:26-42

1. Takeaway. This Sunday, what was personally convicting, encouraging, enlightening, or helpful to you? Spend time discussing this.
2. Question. What was something that was confusing, unclear, or even offensive about the sermon this Sunday?
3. Read TEXT. What are the reasons Jesus gives to not have fear for the conflict, persecution and even death that we can experience on his mission in this life?
4. What fears get in the way of you following in the mission of God? What treasures do you think underlie those fears?
5. Read the excerpt below. Elsewhere in the Bible, we read that the fear of God is a good thing. How is that different from the kind of fear Jesus tells us not to have in the passage we read?

Excerpt from Tim and Kathy Keller in The Meaning of Marriage: "Obviously, to be in the fear of the Lord is not to be scared of the Lord, even though the Hebrew word has overtones of respect and awe. ‘Fear’ in the Bible means to be overwhelmed, to be controlled by something. To fear the Lord is to be overwhelmed with wonder before the greatness of God and his love. It means that, because of his bright holiness and magnificent love, you find him ‘fearfully beautiful.’ That is why the more we experience God’s grace and forgiveness, the more we experience a trembling awe and wonder before the greatness of all that he is and has done for us."

6. Spend some time in prayer together. How can we pray for each other to let go of the fears of this life and learn to instead fear – stand in awe and astonishment – God?

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