Faith Community San Diego

2017-05-28: Changed lives will change lives
Locations & Times
Faith Community Church
2285 Murray Ridge Rd, San Diego, CA 92123, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Welcome to LIVE EVENT. Here you will find (in order) today's Bible reading, sermon notes, additional resources to the morning message, announcements, and online giving opportunity.
This morning's sermon notes
Click the link below to view/download this morning's sermon notes/slides. Resource: How Christianity Changed the World
Western civilization is becoming increasingly pluralistic, secularized, and biblically illiterate. Many people today have little sense of how their lives have benefited from Christianity’s influence, often viewing the church with hostility or resentment. How Christianity Changed the World is a topically arranged Christian history for Christians and non- Christians. Grounded in solid research and written in a popular style, this book is both a helpful apologetic tool in talking with unbelievers and a source of evidence for why Christianity deserves credit for many of the humane, social, scientific, and cultural advances in the Western world in the last two thousand years. Photographs, timelines, and charts enhance each chapter. This edition features questions for reflection and discussion for each chapter. students this Summer! We need leaders to help this summer with Children's Ministry (4xs total in July and August) and to assist with Kid's Day Camp (VBS) June 19-23. Click on the links below
Leaders Needed for Kids Day Camp (VBS) June 19-23 Needed for Children's Ministry Adults Retreat with Danny and Laura Clem
Young Adults Retreat will be in Julian, CA from June 9-11. This will be a great time to connect with other Young Adults and consider who the Lord has called us to be. CAMPS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SEE BELOW FOR OPPORTUNITIES.
Kids Day Camp (VBS) June 19-23 from 9am-12pm
Kids 4 years old through 6th grade are invited to join. Each day the kids will enjoy great music, play team-building games, enjoy some tasty treats, take part in fun Bible learning that they can see, hear, touch, and even taste, and create amazing crafts. Click link below to register. School Summer Camp
Wed, Jul 19, 201712:00pm Sun, Jul 23, 20172:30pmGet ready for an incredible summer season - which includes our Middle School Camp at Cedar Crest in the San Bernadino mountains! At our summer camps, youth have the opportunity to disconnect from the distractions of daily life at home and make new connections. They get to connect with leaders, each other and most importantly -- with Jesus Christ. School Summer Camp
Get ready for an incredible summer season at Cedar Crest in the San Bernadino mountains! At our summer camps, youth have the opportunity to disconnect from the distractions of daily life at home and make new connections. They get to connect with leaders, each other and most importantly -- with Jesus Christ.' Science Camp
August 14-17th. 9am-Noon everyday... Registration will open soon! Giving
If you would like to join us in worshiping the Lord through financial giving to the ministries of Faith Community please click the link below.