Homeland Park Baptist Church

Just Stay Calm
10:30 AM Worship Service
Locations & Times
Homeland Park Baptist Church
3010 Abbeville Hwy, Anderson, SC 29624, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Theme: No matter how crazy this world gets or what “Red Sea” is staring you in the face, you must remember to stay calm because everything is under God’s control.
Three Major Emphasis For These Days
God Is Loving and In Control
Jesus Is All-Sufficient
God Allows Chaos
Things Will Always Get Worse
Matthew 24:4-14
Three Major Emphasis For These Days
God Is Loving and In Control
Jesus Is All-Sufficient
God Allows Chaos
Things Will Always Get Worse
Matthew 24:4-14
Expecting No Adversity or Persecution Is The Wrong Expectation
Staying Calm Begins With Trusting God In Fearful Moments
Exodus 14:10-14
Fear tells you that God has forgotten you. Faith tells you that God is with you even when you don’t see or feel it!
Exodus 14:14 Teaches Us To Stay Calm and Watch God Work!
When God Makes A Way, Walk Through It With Confidence
Exodus 14:15-22
When You Approach Your Red Sea . . .
Raise your hands and give glory to God!
Walk When God makes a way!
Trust that God always works for your good, even when it doesn't make sense at the time.
Stay Calm By Trusting God To Provide
Exodus 14:10-14
Fear tells you that God has forgotten you. Faith tells you that God is with you even when you don’t see or feel it!
Exodus 14:14 Teaches Us To Stay Calm and Watch God Work!
When God Makes A Way, Walk Through It With Confidence
Exodus 14:15-22
When You Approach Your Red Sea . . .
Raise your hands and give glory to God!
Walk When God makes a way!
Trust that God always works for your good, even when it doesn't make sense at the time.
Stay Calm By Trusting God To Provide
3 Phase Plan For Reopening HPBC
If you would like to see our plan for reopening, please follow this link to see our three phase process. This plan is subject to change as conditions change. Please contact pastorjames if you have any questions or concerns. pastorjames@homelandparkbc.org
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https://tithe.ly/give?c=1317080Thank you for choosing to support the ministry of our church through this online giving portal. We use tithe.ly to safely and securely receive funds that are donated online.
Contact Us
Thank you for worshiping with us today either in person or one of our outreach ministries. For more information on our church, ministries and ways to connect please visit our website.