Trinity Lutheran, Bend
Justified: Romans Reading Plan - Day 9
God is Righteous, We Are Not
Locations & Times
  • Trinity Lutheran Church.
    Wednesday 12:00 PM
Study Question:
What is the condition of all people according to v. 9? Paul cites several psalms (14:1-3, 53:1-3, 5:9, 140:3, 10:7, 36:1) and other Old Testament passages (Proverbs 1:16, 3:15-17, Isaiah 59:7-8) to drive home the point of the utter depravity of all humankind. Which of these verses hits you the hardest?
Study Question:
Why do you think we try so hard to justify ourselves? What are some ways you find yourself doing this?
Study Question:
If Paul’s letter to the Romans ended here, what hope would it offer us? If 3:20 were the final word, how would we be left to understand God and our relationship with Him? What would be God’s verdict concerning us?

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