Foothills Christian Church

Our Church: Looking Back and Looking Forward | Dave Hoffman & Mark Hoffman | June 20 & 21, 2020
Weekend Services
Locations & Times
Foothills Christian Church
365 W Bradley Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020, United States
Saturday 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Prophecies over Foothills
“You are not to think small in terms of this church; you are to think in terms of thousands. You will have an impact on the entire San Diego county region.”
“This church has a destiny. Your destiny is not just to have a good church. Your destiny is to impact a city. God has ordained this church to change the dynamics of the region. There is a spirit of unity, harmony and power here. God will fulfill the destiny of this church.”
“Arise and lead - Joshua 1 is a prophecy for Foothills--Wherever the soles of your feet tread, I have given it to you.”
“I saw a picture of an angel standing on the roof of your church blowing a trumpet and as he did, children and youth were flocking to it.”
“The story of Obed-Edom and King David is prophetic for this church. Obed-Edom had the Ark at this house. He was blessed and content to have it stay there where he and his family were blessed. But David was motivated to bring God’s Presence to the city. He had to pay a price but he was successful in bringing the Ark (God’s Presence) to the city. God has given Foothills His heart to bring His Presence and blessing to the city. We are not to be content to have a great church; we are to be focused on bringing God’s Presence to our city.”
“I see a beach scene with a large weather-beaten rock. Built on this rock is an empire state building with many windows (each representing lives and ministries.) Glorious light shone out of each window. Inside the building there were no floors, it was an empty shell. Inside Jesus stood with His feet on the floor and His head at the ceiling. The rock had 4 corners. The 4 corners were, (1) love for God and His Presences, (2) love for worship, (3) love for the Word and (4) love for the lost. As long as we do not deviate from this four-fold foundation, the building will continue to grow."
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