Sunday, Jun 21, 2020 - Part 4 - Called to Liberty
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Stand fast - stēkō -
- To stand firm, to persevere, to be constant, hold one’s ground, maintain a position
“IN” the Liberty - ĕlĕuthĕria -
- Personal freedom from servitude, confinement or oppression
- To stand firm, to persevere, to be constant, hold one’s ground, maintain a position
“IN” the Liberty - ĕlĕuthĕria -
- Personal freedom from servitude, confinement or oppression
Servitude - Freedom of Choice
Confinement - Freedom from Limits
Oppression - Freedom from Unjust Authority
Confinement - Freedom from Limits
Oppression - Freedom from Unjust Authority
Entangled - ĕnĕchō - To hold in or upon; ensnare, subject to or under control of
Obtain - katalambano - To acquire, seize or take hold of; possess
Uncertainty - adelos - Without purpose, irresolutely, uncertainty of mind, without a goal
Person with certainty of purpose, focused resolve, conviction, determination, fortitude, intentional
Uncertainty - adelos - Without purpose, irresolutely, uncertainty of mind, without a goal
Person with certainty of purpose, focused resolve, conviction, determination, fortitude, intentional
Hindered - anakŏptō - To beat or drive back, impede or prevent
Obeying - peitho - Persuade, convince, trust and therefore obey
Persuasion - pĕismŏnē - Communication to convince, induce or persuade
Mind - phroneo - To exercise the mind, to have an opinion or hold a view
Obeying - peitho - Persuade, convince, trust and therefore obey
Persuasion - pĕismŏnē - Communication to convince, induce or persuade
Mind - phroneo - To exercise the mind, to have an opinion or hold a view
Participants in battle for persuasion:
- Jesus - Represents the truth
- Satan - Represents the lie
- Jesus - Represents the truth
- Satan - Represents the lie
Called - kaleo - To invite, summon; to refer to the proper name of something
Liberty - ĕlĕuthĕria - Personal freedom from servitude, confinement or oppression
- Freedom of choice
- Freedom from limitation or restrictions
- Freedom from unjust authority
Serve - dŏulĕuō - To work for, serve in a humble manner
Bite - daknō - Cause personal harm, bite or tear with the teeth
Devour - katĕsthiō - To cause extensive destruction or destroy utterly; consume completely
Consumed - analoo - To destroy or consume
Liberty - ĕlĕuthĕria - Personal freedom from servitude, confinement or oppression
- Freedom of choice
- Freedom from limitation or restrictions
- Freedom from unjust authority
Serve - dŏulĕuō - To work for, serve in a humble manner
Bite - daknō - Cause personal harm, bite or tear with the teeth
Devour - katĕsthiō - To cause extensive destruction or destroy utterly; consume completely
Consumed - analoo - To destroy or consume