CrossWay Church - Battle Ground, WA

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Matthew 22:1-14 (803 /1538): Wedding Feast
I) The Parable.
A) Background: Jesus is ______________ the Jewish religious leaders.
1) Parable of Sons made it clear they weren’t doing God’s ________.
2) Parable of the Wicked Tenants make it clear that God was removing his people from under their ____________.
3) This parable has a similar structure to the one in Luke. It has a very _________________ setting and point.
B) The King celebrates his son’s marriage with a large _______________.
C) Guests say they will attend and then abruptly and _________________ don’t show up.
D) The king repeatedly sends his servants to get them ____. The guests reject them.
E) The kings fills the banquet with good and bad people off the ________.
F) One of the guests did not _______ the king’s rules. He is punished.
III) The Parable's Meaning.
A) An invitation to the banquet is an _________________ to heavan and an eternal relationship with God.
B) All who put their hope in Christ will feast with God when Christ comes ____________________!
C) The Jewish religious leaders were the first __________ who rejected their invitation.
D) There are many different _________ to reject God
1) We can be too busy and ___________ to take time for God.
2) We can outright _______________ the Gospel and its followers.
3) We can go through the religious ___________ yet refuse to do what God requires.
4) __________________ comes to all those who reject God.
E) God __________________ invites people into a relationship with him.
F) The good and bad are __________________ in God’s family.
III) Application for us today.
A) If we accept Christ’s invitation, we get to experience the ______________ supper of the Lamb. If we don’t, we will face judgment.
B) God is the ____________________ in our faith.
C) We can often ___________ God’s invitation.
1) We can be hard hearted towards our ________________.
2) Our busyness can ___________ us from God.
What is God calling you to or inviting you to? What is your response?
D) As God’s servants we are called to go out and give His invitation to those who are not currently ___________ of the church.
Who could God be calling you to share his grace with? Who can you invite to church on Easter Sunday?
I) The Parable.
A) Background: Jesus is ______________ the Jewish religious leaders.
1) Parable of Sons made it clear they weren’t doing God’s ________.
2) Parable of the Wicked Tenants make it clear that God was removing his people from under their ____________.
3) This parable has a similar structure to the one in Luke. It has a very _________________ setting and point.
B) The King celebrates his son’s marriage with a large _______________.
C) Guests say they will attend and then abruptly and _________________ don’t show up.
D) The king repeatedly sends his servants to get them ____. The guests reject them.
E) The kings fills the banquet with good and bad people off the ________.
F) One of the guests did not _______ the king’s rules. He is punished.
III) The Parable's Meaning.
A) An invitation to the banquet is an _________________ to heavan and an eternal relationship with God.
B) All who put their hope in Christ will feast with God when Christ comes ____________________!
C) The Jewish religious leaders were the first __________ who rejected their invitation.
D) There are many different _________ to reject God
1) We can be too busy and ___________ to take time for God.
2) We can outright _______________ the Gospel and its followers.
3) We can go through the religious ___________ yet refuse to do what God requires.
4) __________________ comes to all those who reject God.
E) God __________________ invites people into a relationship with him.
F) The good and bad are __________________ in God’s family.
III) Application for us today.
A) If we accept Christ’s invitation, we get to experience the ______________ supper of the Lamb. If we don’t, we will face judgment.
B) God is the ____________________ in our faith.
C) We can often ___________ God’s invitation.
1) We can be hard hearted towards our ________________.
2) Our busyness can ___________ us from God.
What is God calling you to or inviting you to? What is your response?
D) As God’s servants we are called to go out and give His invitation to those who are not currently ___________ of the church.
Who could God be calling you to share his grace with? Who can you invite to church on Easter Sunday?