Central Christian Church - Lampasas
Journey to the Cross: The Mount of Olives
Beginning on Ash Wednesday and culminating at Easter, we will journey together through significant events in Christ’s journey to a humiliating death on a cross and then His glorious resurrection. We will explore the meaning of His baptism. Jesus’ baptism by John at the Jordan River is the first act of His public ministry. We will walk beside our Savior as He is tempted in the wilderness and sit at Jesus’ feet as he preaches the Sermon on the Mount. We dine with Christ as He instructs his disciples during the Last Supper and join the crowd for His triumphal entry. We examine the meaning of his suffering and death during Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday services. Finally, we join the angels in proclaiming his glorious resurrection.
Locations & Times
Central Christian Church
204 S Broad St, Lampasas, TX 76550, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Sunday, March 26th
OCC Item of the Month for April: Stuffed Animals
Today: VBS Planning meeting 4 PM
Apr 2nd 1st Sunday Collection for Lampasas Mission
Apr 5th Women’s Wednesday 6 PM
Apr 8 Blue Bonnet Area Meeting
Apr 9 Palm Sunday
Board Meeting
Apr 13 Maundy Thursday Service 6 PM
Apr 14 Good Friday Prayer Vigil 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Apr 15 Men’s Breakfast 8 AM
Apr 16 Easter Sunday
Apr 19 CWF 9 AM
Apr 29 OCC Craft Day - Stuffed Animals
In the Old Testament, the Mount of Olives is mentioned once in relation to King David. When David’s son Absalom wrested control of Jerusalem, David and his loyal followers fled the city via an eastern route.
Several key events in the life of Jesus, as related in the Gospels, took place on the Mount of Olives, and in the Acts of the Apostles it is described as the place from which Jesus ascended to heaven. This is one of the most important locations in all of Scripture.
Jesus is said to have spent time on the mount, teaching and prophesying to his disciples (Matthew 24–25), including the Olivet discourse, returning after each day to rest (Luke 21:37; John 8:1), and coming there on the night of his betrayal (Matthew 26:39). At the foot of the Mount of Olives lies the Garden of Gethsemane. The New Testament tells how Jesus and his disciples sang together (Matthew 26:30) Jesus ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives according to Acts 1:9–12.
The disciples asked Jesus for a sign, "When will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" The disciples, being Jewish, believed that the Messiah would come and that his arrival would mean the fulfillment of all the prophecies they hoped in. They believed that the Temple played a large role in this, hence the disciple in the first part boasting to Jesus about the Temple's construction. Jesus' prophecy concerning the Temple's destruction was contrary to their belief system. Jesus sought to correct that impression, first, by discussing the Roman invasion, [Matt. 24:4–34] and then by commenting on his final coming to render universal judgment.[Matthew 24:35–51]
Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount defied the crowd’s and the disciple's expectations.
How is the second coming going to be like a thief in the night? The key element of Jesus’ comparison is that no one will know when He will return. Just as a thief catches a household by surprise, Jesus will catch the unbelieving world by surprise when He returns in judgment. People will be “eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage” (Matt 24:38), just as if they have all the time in the world. But then, before they know it, Judgment Day will be upon them (Matt 24:40–41).
Be sober. Primarily in a physical sense, as opposed to excess in drink, but passing into the ethical sense of calm, collected, circumspect. Alert wakefulness and calm assurance will prevent their being surprised and confused by the Lord’s coming, as by a thief in the night.
Watching is serious business and is necessary to our being ready for His immediate return in our lives. While in these verses He commands us to watch as the way we prepare for His return, He does not tell us what that means.
Thankfully, Christ practices what He preaches. By His example, He shows us what He means by watching, and we are to follow that example (I Peter 2:21). Notice the remainder of the fourteen uses of “watch” by Jesus in the Gospels.
Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay additional three usages appear in Mark 14:34-39)
1. We prepare ourselves for Christ's coming. We fulfill his Great Commission, obey his two commandments, and glorify the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2. We pray in and out of season.
3. We make disciples. We multiply the church and deepen the faith of fellow believers.
4. We study Scripture.
5. We focus on the Kingdom of God.
6. We love God and love others.