StoneBridge Community Church

All This Took Place #8: Living Together in the Family of God
Pastor Jeff Cheadle
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Campus
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Matthew 18
Bob Utley, "Matthew 18" from the series The First Christian Primer: Matthew Under Kingdom Authority
Allen Ross, "Life Under Kingdom Authority" from the series An Exposition of the Gospel of Matthew
1. The greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is…
1. The greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is childlike, humble, and trusting.
For reflection/discussion
For reflection/discussion: How do you think most people define greatness? How do you define greatness? What do you think prompted the disciples to ask Jesus the question they did? If you had never heard this story before, would Jesus' answer have surprised you? Why or why not? What do children have to teach us about what it means to be one of God's "little ones"?

"The Lost Sheep" by William J. Webb (c.1830–c.1904). The Astley Cheetham Art Collection.
2. God's will for his children is…
2. God's will for his children is that none of us would perish.
For reflection/discussion
For reflection/discussion: What are some of the ways that a Christian can cause a fellow believer to stumble or sin? In what ways are false beliefs dangerous to the family of God? How might Jesus' warning in Matthew 18.6 challenge the belief that tolerance is the greatest virtue?

3. God calls us and uses us to…
3. God calls us and uses us to restore lost brothers and sisters when they wander.
For reflection/discussion
For reflection/discussion: When you were growing up, how did you learn to deal with conflict in your family? How has this affected how you deal with conflict as an adult? What process does Jesus lay out as a means of dealing with conflict and sin in the family of God? Are there any parts the process that make you uncomfortable? Why? What are the consequences of not addressing or trying to ignore serious sin in the life of the church?

Willem Drost, "The Unmerciful Servant" (1655). The Wallace Collection, London.
We can't earn forgiveness, but we can forfeit forgiveness when we choose not to forgive.
Forgiveness in Matthew
Daniel S. Steffen, "Is Divine Forgiveness Conditional Or Unconditional In The Gospel Of Matthew?" reflection/discussion
For reflection/discussion: Why does Peter raise the question of how often we should forgive? In what ways, if any, do you struggle with accepting forgiveness, extending forgiveness to others, or both? Is there someone you haven't yet forgiven? How does Jesus' parable of the unforgiving servant address your situation?
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