Manheim BIC Church
Moving Down the Line
What if Jesus meant that we should love our actual neighbors? Join us as we strive towards being intentional about building genuine relationships right outside our front doors.
Locations & Times
  • MBIC (LIVEstream), 54 N Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA 17545, USA
    Sunday 9:00 AM, Sunday 10:30 AM
Neighboring is not a religious activity but it is actually our spiritual act of Worship. We are not just moving down a checklist. We are moving in closer to Him and His likeness. We are moving away from us vs. them towards becoming bridge builders.
What is God nudging us towards as the next step in developing the art of neighboring? And why might we resist it?
Will you view and distance yourself from those with diverse preferences, personalities, political adhesion, personal convictions, and priorities, will you put at arm's length those that you disagree with or will you love and care for them?
Will you essentially be willing to walk across the street to avoid talking to them? Or would you be willing to befriend them in spite of the differences?
Three things that build bridges and break down walls and will help us walk in that Christ-likeness:
1. Humble Building bridges begins in the muddy, ugly, gritty stuff.
2. Gentle Building bridges requires intentional care and personal examination.
3. Patient Bridges that last are built over time.

Want to go deeper? Join or Host a Home Group!

Home groups are a great way to build relationships, challenge and encourage each other to grow, put our worship into practice, and celebrate seeing God at work together.