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Grace Community Church

ONE ANOTHER - #5 Forgive One Another

ONE ANOTHER - #5 Forgive One Another

In this very practical series we will look at what the Bible says about how we treat one another.

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Our series this month is entitled ONE ANOTHER.
The idea behind the series is to explore the family rules that God expects of His children – those who call themselves Christians – to live by.
Just as a natural family has certain expectations, God's family (the Church), has specific guidelines that guide our attitudes and behaviors. These are identified in Scripture by the phrase, One Another.
Week one - Love One Another
We learned about Biblical love being a "committed action of sacrifice on the behalf of another, regardless of the circumstance and reaction."
Week two - Build One Another Up, where we looked at being intentional in our actions to care for others and help people reach their God-given potential.
Week three - Greet One Another, we looked at how to improve in the area of making others feel accepted, valued, and loved.
Week four - Live in Harmony with One Another, God's desire for us and for the Church is unity.
This morning we are looking at our 5th One Another. It comes from Colossians 3:13.
We all sort of like the idea of forgiveness when it comes to our own failures and shortcomings; it's something we feel we deserve.
However when someone else has hurt us, betrayed us, or talked behind our backs, then we're not so keen on forgiveness.
Though forgiving one another may not be easy. It is necessary. None of the other one another's will work without this one.
In calling us to forgive, Paul recognizes that this is a sinful world and that all of us are sinners. We all have the predisposition to be thoughtless, selfish, hateful, proud, judgmental, and downright mean. That is why we must learn to forgive.
In the New Testament, the word forgiveness is associated with a wrong or sin that has been committed by one person against another.
A definition widely used by Christian writers is, "forgiveness is not forgetting or excusing someone's sin, but giving up the resentment and retaliation you believe you are entitled to.
Christians should be aware of 3 primary aspects to Biblical forgiveness:

This type of forgiveness has to do with the believer's relationship with God.
Colossians 2:13-14 [NLT]
This type of forgiveness involves God the Father restoring His relationship with a believer who has sinned against Him and others.
The conditions to this type of forgiveness are twofold:
a. confession - 1 John 1:9
b. forgiveness of others - Luke 11:4
This involves the letting go of a grudge and our desire to repay or wound someone, and if possible, with the goal of restoring a relationship.
Personal forgiveness has a:
*see web links below

Forgiveness: what it is and what it's not
Four lessons about Biblical forgiveness:

1. Biblical forgiveness REALIZES that the price is costly.
Matthew 18:23-35
2. Biblical forgiveness TAKES sin seriously.
Luke 15 (Prodigal Son)
3. Biblical forgiveness RECOGNIZES there will be a real settling of accounts.
Deuteronomy 32:35
Romans 12:17-19
4. Biblical forgiveness MOVES from the past to the present and toward the future.
Psalm 103:12
Forgiveness is extremely difficult because we have to conquer our own self and sin.
We have to remember Colossians 3:13.
Discussion and Application:

1. Think back to a time when you were wronged, hurt, mistreated, etc. by someone else – whether deserved or not. How did you feel? What were your thoughts and actions toward the other person?

2. Go over the definition that was given for forgiveness. What questions do you have about it?

3. Review the three types of forgiveness (and verses) that were presented. Have you experienced God’s Judicial forgiveness in your life, and how has it impacted your life? How have you experienced the Parental forgiveness that was described? Give an example of how you have extended or experienced Personal forgiveness.

4. Spend some time thinking about the four lessons regarding Biblical forgiveness. Which one is the most thought provoking to you?

5. Review the two web links that are in the notes. What questions do you have and how do these challenge your personal lifestyle?

Virtual Connection Card

Grace Church Reopening Strategy

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Online Giving

Contact Lisa Sterkenburg with questions about online giving (
Birthdays and Anniversaries:

Sunday, May 31 - Kyra Stephens
Monday, June 1 - Colin Paul
Wednesday, June 3 - Perry Orton, Tyberius Bloomer, Keith & Holly Carpenter
Friday, June 5 - Amie Sensiba, Leah Yenger
Saturday, June 6 - Nathan Speer, Aaron & Angie Walker

H.O.M.E. Groups Available

Are you feeling disconnected from your church family and would enjoy connecting either virtually or in person with a H.O.M.E. Group? Contact us by email: or use the link below to learn more and/or sign-up.

Alpha Women's Center Baby Bottle Fundraiser

If you still have an Alpha Women's Center Baby Bottle at home, please return it to the church no later than June 12th. Thank you!

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