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Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene

Enough is Enough, Part 3: Enough Grace

Enough is Enough, Part 3: Enough Grace

Even when our life circumstances seem to indicate that God is absent or uncaring, He makes the plain and clear declaration: "My grace is sufficient for you.” And you will accept, declare and hold that truth in your heart because even when God doesn’t feel like enough, He is. Thanks so much for joining us this morning!

Locations & Times

Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg

1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

This week at HFCN

1. On this Memorial Day weekend, we remember with grateful hearts those who gave their lives for our country. Thank you.

2. Best Week Ever is coming up on July 12-19! If you're interested in serving your community during this awesome week, sign up here:

*Check out our Church Center app to register for Events, stay connected to your Life Group, and manage your Giving. You can also use the app to check-in on Sunday mornings:

Think of a time in your life when God said no.
You asked in His Name, your request was reasonable and desperately needed and he said no.
When you said to Him…”Lord, I won’t make it unless You…"

How did you make it?
The two key questions:
-Is God enough for you?
-Will you trust Him?
The “thorn” is not an annoyance, but really, relentless pain, physically or emotionally.

What does God do about Paul’s thorn?
When you said, “I won’t make it…” and you did. That was the beauty of GRACE. Joy, power, our defender.
Grace is the restoring power of God in the face of weakness.
The overwhelming beauty of God in the ugliness of life
Supplemental Texts:

Giving at HFCN

If you have ever have questions or need help with online giving, please let us know. finance@abeaconofhope.orgThank you for your partnership in the Kingdom of Christ!