Abundant Springs Community Church

Sunday Service, December 4, 2016
YOU are welcome here! Our mission:Reaching the unchurched and discipling believers to be like Jesus. Stay up to date with us on Facebook at fb.me/abundantsprings
Locations & Times
968 Kettles St, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0, Canada
Sunday 10:30 AM
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The King is Coming: A Child is Born for Justice |
I. Jesus is bringing in God's ___________.
-As Wonderful Counsellor, he is qualified to rule.
-As Mighty God, he has the right and the power to set up and maintain his rule.
-As Everlasting Father, he will relate lovingly but with authority to his subjects.
-As Prince of Peace, his rule will create the society we long for.
-As Mighty God, he has the right and the power to set up and maintain his rule.
-As Everlasting Father, he will relate lovingly but with authority to his subjects.
-As Prince of Peace, his rule will create the society we long for.
II. ________________ is meant to be a preview of the kingdom to the world.
III. Jesus' kingdom is one of ___________.
Bottom Line:
You are a ___________ of the kingdom that brings justice.
You are a ___________ of the kingdom that brings justice.
Action Step:
Write down one way you are going to help this Christmas be a better season for someone less fortunate.
Write down one way you are going to help this Christmas be a better season for someone less fortunate.
Have a Question?
If you have any questions about today's message or your time with us this morning, we would love to hear from you.
http://goo.gl/forms/Gzi1njc8JPGive Online
Quickly and securely with your credit or debit card using our tithely system. For direct bank transfers PayPal is still available on our website. To give a gift to our Christmas Campaign, please select give to "Christmas Campaign"
https://tithe.ly/give?c=45603Connect with Us
If you want to know more about Jesus, or if you made a decision to give your life to Him today, please tell us about yourself so we can give you resources and support in your journey with Him.