StoneBridge Community Church
A Psalm of Thanksgiving
Pastor Jeff Cheadle
Locations & Times
  • StoneBridge Campus
    4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
    Saturday 5:30 PM, Sunday 9:00 AM, Sunday 10:30 AM
  • Growth Groups
    Simi Town Center Way, Simi Valley, CA 93065, USA
    Sunday 12:00 PM

Enter his gates with thanksgivingand his courts with praise.

The Text In Context

Stephen J. Cole, "Bad Press For a Good God" (Psalm 100)

Old Hundreth

Old Hundreth is a hymn tune that receives its name from its association with the 100th Psalm, in a translation attributed to Scottish clergyman William Kethe entitled All People that on Earth do Dwell. The Doxology ("Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow") is set to the same tune.

Thanksgiving in the U.S.

The history and traditions of Thanksgiving as celebrated in the United States. Wikipedia.
1. Worship is…
1. Worship is celebration; give thanks gladly.


Robert J. Dean, "Joy" Holman Bible Dictionary, Trent C. Butler, Editor. Published by Broadman & Holman, 1991.

Joy in Worship

Bible Verses about Joy In Worship

Depressed and Thankful

"God calls us to be thankful people. And it’s the very attitude of thanksgiving that can transform our lives. If you find yourself wandering down the dark path of depression and despair, here are six simple ways to fight for joy through gratefulness." —Stacy Reach, "Depressed and Thankful: Six Ways to Find Joy" Desiring God
For Reflection/Discussion
For Reflection/Discussion: Do you expect and experience joy in worship? Why or why not? How does the attitude we bring to worship affect our experience of worship? Is there a way in which joy in worship is a choice?
2. Worship is…
2. Worship is belonging; give thanks humbly.

Hebrew "yada"

"The concept of 'knowing' something or someone takes on a special meaning in the semitic languages, and this specialized meaning has to do with relationship, and primarily a rela-tionship that is based upon the making of a covenant." —Tim Hegg, "The Hebrew Word ידע (yada‘) As a Covenant Term in the Bible and the Ancient Near East" TorahResource

Who doesn't love puppies and kittens?

Dog and Cat Theology

Think "WOOF" and not "MEOW" (with apologies to "cat people).
For Reflection/Discussion
For Reflection/Discussion: (1) What are your thoughts on the difference between dog and cat theology? (2) How is our experience of worship changed when our focus is on giving thanks to God rather than "getting something out of the service"? (3) What difference does it make for us to know that we belong to God and to one another?
3. Worship is…
3. Worship is thanksgiving; give thanks wholeheartedly.

The Temple

M. Pierce Matheney, "Temple of Jerusalem" Holman Bible Dictionary, Trent C. Butler, Editor. Published by Broadman & Holman, 1991.

Temple Gates, Courts, and Buildings

An excellent diagram showing the Temple in Jerusalem with its various gates and courts. ©2008 Crossway Bibles.
For Reflection/Discussion
For Reflection/Discussion: (1) Everyone agrees that pastors, worship leaders, musicians, and others who are serving in worship should be prepared and offer their best to God. Should those attending worship services come prepared as well? In what ways, if any, do you prepare for worship? (2) How important is it for people who come to worship to feel authentically welcomed? Why is it important for us to look for people who seem unconnected and reach out to them, even if it means visiting with our friends another time?

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