StoneBridge Community Church

Family Matters: Apology Accepted
Pastor Neal Nybo
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Online Connection Card
Worship With Generosity
1. Christians must be people who apologize.
How Can and Should a Christian Apologize?
1. What are some practical examples of “leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother or sister; then come and offer your gift.”?
2. Romans 12:18 reads, "... as far as it depends on you, live in peace..." What does, “as far as it depends on you” mean?
3. What are some implications in today’s COVID pandemic of Romans 12:18?
4. How might apologizing fit with each of these verses?
2. Christians are living representatives of God.
1. Describe a situation when you realized you were a living representative of God?
2. Did that realization help you act or speak differently?
3. How might the “message of reconciliation” be helpful today?
4. How does apologizing fit with this point?
Fake Apologies
3. Christians limit our freedom on behalf of others.
1. What is the first emotion you feel when you hear the words, “limit our freedom on behalf of others?
2. Take a look at the rest of Romans 14. What is the chapter about? Does the phrase, “limit our freedom on behalf of others” capture the meaning of the verse and chapter? If so, how does it relate to our freedom? What freedom are we talking about?
4. Have you ever said, or been tempted to say, “because I can” as justification for something you want to do? How about, “because it’s my right?” How do these reasons line up with Romans 14:19?
5. Is there anything about your habits or actions that may change because of what you have been learning in this study?
6. How does apologizing fit in with this point?
4. Christians apologize because they have changed.
Ted Talk with three steps
1. Can you give an example, other than dieting, that even when the old creation is gone, we still live with its results?
2. Give an example of something that has changed or has become new, in your life, your attitude or your actions, because of your faith in Christ?
3. If the example you just gave is more than a year old, do you have a more recent example?
4. In what area of your life are you still living with the results of the old creation? What about those results would you like to see changed?
5. How does apologizing fit with this point?
Look up and study one resource on effective apologies. Find at least one thing you want to do, to improve your ability and willingness to apologize when necessary. Bonus step: think of one easy thing you could apologize to someone for. Ask them if you can apologize for it. If they resist, tell them you would like to as practice.

Register for the Congregational Meeting

Simi Valley’s Samaritan Center serves the homeless and most disenfranchised in our community. Due to the changing nature of the Covid-19 crisis, the Samaritan Center has had to evolve accordingly. For everyone’s health and safety, for the time being, the Samaritan Center has discontinued it’s free, nightly dinners. Instead, they are asking for $5 and $10 gift card donations to restaurants like Subway, Carl’s Jr., Tommy’s Burgers, Taco Bell, etc. Every evening, gift cards will be distributed to those in need. Help by purchasing gift cards and sending them to StoneBridge Church (4832 Cochran St. 93063). On behalf of our church, we will make sure that the cards are safely delivered to the center.

Every week on Thursday nights @ 7pm you can join Pastor Neal live on Facebook. This is a great time to connect with Pastor Neal and others as he takes the opportunity to share what’s on his heart, as it relates to our faith and church.