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StoneBridge Community Church

Family Matters: Celebrate Your Child’s Journey

Family Matters: Celebrate Your Child’s Journey

Pastor Neal Nybo

Locations & Times

StoneBridge Community Church

4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA

Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 8:30 AM

Sunday 10:00 AM

Online Connection Card

Thanks for joining us today! Follow this link to our online Connection Card where you can let us know you were here and share any prayer concerns.
Everyone yearns to be celebrated, especially children. In fact, according to Psychology Today, a child that's celebrated by parent(s) is more likely to be blessed with a positive self-esteem that will be beneficial in adulthood. As a child, Jesus was no exception. However, Joseph and Mary's parenting style may just surpass you! This weekend's message is based on Luke 2:41-50.
Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Jane Goodall, Pablo Picasso, and Stevie Wonder.all had parents who celebrated their journeys.

Jane Goodall

 “A sense of calm came over me. More and more often I found myself thinking, this is where I belong. This is what I came into this world to do.”

1. It's not about us.

When Mary and Joseph finally found Jesus, their question was, "Why have you treated us like this?" It was about them. They didn’t look around and see all the admiring leaders and teachers stunned by their son’s brilliance. They didn’t see the excitement in Jesus. At that moment, they just saw how his actions impacted them.

Why It’s Okay To Disappoint Your Parents

Kids sometimes disappoint their parents and vice versa. Sometimes its okay.

How to Handle Feeling Disappointment with your Adult Child.

Since it is practically inevitable that parents will sometimes be disappointed by their kids, here is some help for how to handle it.
1. How do parents make their children’s things about themselves?
2. Have you ever thought more about how you children’s actions affected you than them?
3.What does it look like to support and help our children without it being about us?

2. Celebrate their first love.

Someone said your job gets you up in the morning. Your passion, your first love, gets you up in the middle of the night.
What was Jesus' first love?
Jesus was here to serve his Heavenly Father. He said I do whatever my father does. God’s work for Jesus was loving human beings. For God so loved the world that he sent his only son.

How to Find Your Calling

Finding our first love is part of discovering God's purpose for your life.
1. What are some things your kids have loved or been passionate about? Or you loved as a kid?
2. Did that stay with them or with you as the years went by?
3. Is it important to celebrate their first love? Why?
Next step:
For kids- Think about what you really love, what brings you joy, what you could see yourself being a part of for the rest of your life.

For parents- Think about what you have seen your child resonate deeply with. Look for themes that are in common in all the stages and phases they've gone through.

3. Celebrate their abilities.

Consultants talk about core competencies. We are talking about skills that come so naturally to our kids that they are effortless. Not that they don’t have to work at it but that it almost seems easy.
What was Jesus really good at?
1. Name two or three things your child does well?
2. Is there one that seems effortless to them?
3. Do they recognize it as a unique or significant ability?
4. How can you encourage them to use that ability or skill?
Nest steps:
For kids- Think about what activities and skills come naturally to you? What do you do that almost feels effortless?

For parents- Over time, what skills and abilities of your child come to mind. Where have they excelled consistently?

4. It’s never too late.

It doesn’t matter if our children are toddlers or adults with their own children. It’s never too late to embrace their passion.
1. If you had to guess, what is the calling, job, or activity that your child feels is the “why they were put on this earth?”
2. Do you approve of that thing? Have you celebrated it with them? When was the most recent time?
3. If you don’t approve of it, or wish it was different, is there an element of what they love or their ability that you can celebrate?
4. What’s the next logical time to celebrate their journey, like graduation, a change of position, a task accomplished? How will you celebrate it?

30 Ways To Strengthen Your Family

30 Ways To Strengthen Your Family

Due to social distancing and wanting to protect vulnerable residents, StoneBridge cannot physically serve at Ashlee Manor right now. However, we can let the residents know that StoneBridge hasn’t forgotten about them. You’re invited to do so by assembling a care bag. Simply decorate a paper grocery bag and fill it with 2 rolls of toilet paper, 2 cans of soup, and a bar of soap. Curbside drop off at StoneBridge parking lot on May 4th between 4-6pm.


Our Nominating Committee will be meeting soon to nominate our next class of Deacons and Elders (class of 2023). If you are interested in serving StoneBridge in this capacity, please click the link below to learn more about what it means to be a Deacon or Elder and fill out an application. Applications are due May 4th.

Worship Songs on Spotify!

Here are the songs used in worship this weekend!

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