Foothills Christian Ministries
Freedom Class - Week 2 - Levels of Change (2)
Locations & Times
  • Foothills Christian Church
    365 W Bradley Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020, United States
    Wednesday 6:30 PM
The life of the believer is NO LONGER the life of the believer.
Freedom is when you can become the person you were created to be REGARDLESS of the circumstances you are in.
Connected to what we DO is what we THINK AND FEEL.
Environment is under the dominion of our behavior.
Like a THERMOSTAT set in our heart
Growing pressure from the thermostat to conform to what has always been.
Our capabilities are like limitations we have set for ourselves
A belief is OVER your heart like contact lens through which you perceive our experiences.
Prov. 4:23 Guard your heart, for from it flows the ISSUES of life.
A belief is OVER your heart like contact lens through which you perceive our experiences.
AT EVERY DEFINING MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE, Satan is always ready to give definition to what "this circumstance" says about you….and SO DOES GOD!
· God wants you to learn to discern the voices.
Two categories in the issues of beliefs that we have to get a handle on.
What we believe about GOD.
What we believe about OURSELVES.
The BLUEPRINT in the heart of God when He create you.
If we think of sin as behaviors, thoughts, feelings, 2 traps happen:
1. We try to solve sin at a behavior level, trying to please God by acting different
2. We bring PART of the PROBLEM and only receive PART of a SOLUTION
The diagnosis has to fit the treatment.
Sin is a cancer and has a terminal diagnosis.
Sin is the absence of God in the human soul
Jesus died because in you is death and he had to switch death to life.
He took the thing you had, so He could give you the thing He had.
"And to as many as RECEIVED HIM, he gave the power to become the sons of God (Jn. 1:12)
Solution to the absence of the old life. (Phantom limb syndrome)
1. BIBLE: Stimulating with NEW understanding
2. PRAYER: Connects me to the source of life--Spirit of the Living God
3. GATHERING WITH BELIEVERS: Focus on new relationships
and "doing life" with people seeking truth.