Covenant Baptist Church
The Community of Jesus Pt 4 – Authenticity (James 5:13-16)
Sermon Guide for 2/25/18
Locations & Times
  • Covenant Baptist Church
    5440 SW 37th St, Topeka, KS 66614, USA
    Sunday 10:45 AM
How authentic are you with….
…your spouse?
…your parents?
…your friends?
…your co-workers?
…your teammates?
…your friends in this Community of Jesus?
What is it? Authenticity is practicing being truthful with others in The Community of Jesus about our needs, pain and struggle against sin.

Why does it matter? Authenticity brings the Community of Jesus to bear in our lives and this shared journey is something God delights in and blesses greatly
James is calling for followers of Jesus to be willing to admit to and submit to others in their need.
This is a picture of God working in an individual life through the lives of others in The Community of Jesus around them.
Confess means to acknowledge or to agree.
When we practice authenticity by allowing The Community of Jesus to know our need and participate with God in meeting that need, redemption happens and The Kingdom breaks out among us.
Embracing authenticity is not a call to humiliate yourself by telling your deepest darkest secrets with everyone on a Sunday morning.
Confession of sin to others in the Community of Jesus brings us into fellowship of community and out of the darkness of isolation
Growing & Going (G2) Steps:
● The next time you are sick or dealing with a physical problem, practice authenticity by asking for prayer. You can ask an Elder or Deacon or you can ask your G2 Group or leader. Make your need known. Let others in on the fact that you have a physical need.

● Secondly, find at least one person in this church family you trust and share with them a particular struggle you are having with sin. You are asking them to pray with you but you are also inviting them also to know you as you really are. This is a great benefit to you and to them. By practicing this kind of authenticity you are finding your way into the Light of Community and inviting them to come along

● Note: If someone asks you to pray for a physical/health need there is no expectation that you pray a life altering miraculous prayer of instant healing. What God does in response to your prayer is up to God. Your responsibility is to listen, care and then pray sincerely in faithful assurance of God’s presence, ability and love. It doesn’t have to be long or loud. It doesn’t have to be eloquent or fancy. It needs to be a prayer that rises up in response to a friend honoring you with their invitation to be with them in their need.

● Note: If someone seeks you out to confess a sin struggle let me take some of the pressure off of you. You don’t have to console them and you don’t have to rebuke them. Your job is to listen well and identify with them as one who shares the same journey and weakness.
Authenticity among us will be one of the most powerful witnesses we have to those around us.

About Covenant Baptist Church

Our vision is to go make disciples – people who are in a growing relationship with Jesus.

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